Inagi City

"Inagi Kosei-bushi" is officially introduced as the departure melody of JR Nambu Line "Yanoguchi Station"!

Last updated: March 2, 2015

"Inagi Kosei-bushi" has been officially introduced as the departure melody.

Image Inagi Prosperity Festival Poster

With the cooperation of JR East's Hachioji branch, we have chosen the melody for departures from and to Yanoguchi Station on the JR Nambu Line, a song that has ties to the region and has been used at local festivals and Bon dances since ancient times. was officially introduced on March 1, 2015.

“Inagi Prosperity Festival” departure melody

Inagi Prosperity Song (Full Chorus)

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Inagi City Industry, Culture and Sports Department Tourism Division Phone: 042-378-2111