Inagi City

Information on local resource room

Last updated: May 27, 2020

Announcement of the opening of the Local History Archives

The museum was closed due to the state of emergency declaration, but will reopen on Tuesday, June 2, 2020.


Friend Hirao 2nd floor, 1-9-1 Hirao, Inagi City

Opening day

Tuesday to Sunday 9am to 5pm

closing day

Every Monday, year-end and New Year holidays

Public facility

History Exhibition Room 1 (Historical materials from primitive antiquity to the Edo period are displayed)
History Exhibition Room 2 (displays historical materials from the Meiji era to the present)
Folklore exhibition room (displays of annual events, folk tools, local performing arts, stone Buddhas, etc.)
Specimen exhibition room (display of insect specimens such as butterflies and dragonflies)


free entrance


Image: Friend Hirao
Friend Hirao

Inquiries regarding this page

Inagi City Education Department Lifelong Learning Division Tel: 042-377-2121