Inagi City

A tourist information sign has been installed!

Last updated: April 7, 2023

image tourist sign

image tourist sign

Reason for installation

To pass down to future generations the fact that Inagi City became the official starting point (km0) in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games cycling (road), and to promote the "Bicycle Town Inagi".

Installation location

2242-1 Daimaru, Inagi City (Green area 3)
Note: This is the green area next to Seven-Eleven at the bottom of the Koremasa Bridge.

Display board contents

tourist information sign
Display board Notation (Japanese) Notation (English) Straight line distance from tourist information sign
(1) Bicycle town Inagi Cycling City "Inagi"


Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games Cycling (Road) Official Starting Point (km0) Tokyo2020 Olympic Games Cycling (Road)
Official Start Point (km0)


Yomiuri Land/V Road YOMIURILAND/V-road 3.11km
(4) Yanoguchi Crossing/Cycle Cafe Yanokuchi-Crossing/Cycle Cafe 3.06km
(5) Tamagawa Cycling Course Tamagawa Cycling Course 0.17km
(6) Inagi dispatch base pair terrace Inagi Information Center "Pearterrace" 1.46km
(7) Inagi Central Park/Cycle Cafe Inagi Central Park/Cycle Cafe 1.85km
(8) Onekan Warrior Inagi Pedarion ONEKAN-fighters INAGI PEDALLION 1.83km
(9) Minamitama Ridge Highway Minamitamaone-kansendoro Ave. 1.61km


Do not cling to or climb on the display board to avoid injury.
Please be careful not to hit your head on the display version.
Please be careful of pedestrians, bicycles, etc. when taking photos.

We held a tourist information sign show! !

On April 5, 2020 (Wednesday), we celebrated the installation of the tourist information signs and held an unveiling party. Mayor Takahashi, Mr. Kazuhiko Tokuo, chairman of the Inagi City Tourism Association, and Mr. Ryoji Abe, CEO of Champion System Japan Co., Ltd. visited the event and took a commemorative photo.

Photo (From left) Mr. Abe, Mayor Takahashi, Chairman Tokuo
(From left) Mr. Abe, Mayor Takahashi, Chairman Tokuo

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Industry, Culture and Sports Department Tourism Division Phone: 042-378-2111