Inagi City

Inagi Nashinosuke participated in the Chofu Tourism Festival

Last updated: May 16, 2016

On May 14th (Saturday) and 15th (Sunday), 2016, the "Chofu Tourism Festival" was held at Chofu City Hall's front yard, and Nashinosuke Inagi participated on the 15th (Sunday).
Shops in Chofu City opened stalls and sold hometown specialties. The stage where children participated, such as character PR and kids dance, was also exciting.
Nashinosuke has interacted with many visitors, distributed clear files, tin badges, rurubu, etc., and promoted Inagi City.

At the image venue
at the venue

image flag raising game
flag raising game

Image Sale of fresh vegetables
sale of fresh vegetables

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Industry, Culture and Sports Department Tourism Division Phone: 042-378-2111