Inagi City

Overview of Peace City Declaration

Last updated: September 24, 2019

Inagi City Peace City Declaration (March 7, 1991)

All of us share the common desire to protect this irreplaceable and beautiful earth and to wish for lasting world peace.
Based on the spirit of peace that is permeated by the current Constitution, it is our responsibility to observe the three non-nuclear principles and work hand in hand with the people of the world to build lasting peace for mankind.
Based on the spirit of the Citizens Charter, we hope for true peace and happiness, live in this town, love this town, and strive to make Inagi a home of eternal peace and friendship. .
As we celebrate the 20th anniversary of Inagi City, we renew our pledge to peace and declare that Inagi City is a city of peace.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City, Industry, Culture and Sports Department, Citizen Collaboration Division Phone: 042-378-2111