Inagi City

Request to register and update information on the AED map

Last updated: April 27, 2023

About Inagi Map and Nationwide AED Map Posting

Inagi City aims to create an environment in which AEDs can be used quickly in an emergency. We are calling for registration on the Nationwide AED Map. In order to make effective use of AED installation registration information, we ask for your cooperation in new registration and information update. 

How to register and update Inagi Map

How to register and update Inagi Map
If you have newly purchased an AED, please register using the QR code or link below.
If you have already registered and want to remove or change the installation location, please contact the Inagi Fire Department.

Image Inagi Map AED application QR code

Nationwide AED map new registration / update method

About national AED map new registration
When you purchase AED newly, please register AED information from the following link.

About registration renewal
If you have already registered with the National AED Map, please check and update your registration information from the link below.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Fire Department Headquarters, Defense Division Phone: 042-377-7119