Inagi City

Let's install a seismic breaker!

Last updated: June 10, 2020

1. Electrical fires during large-scale earthquakes

Electricity is involved in many of the causes of fires that occur after large-scale earthquakes.

Image Causes of electrical fires during large-scale earthquakes
Causes of electrical fires during large-scale earthquakes

・A fire broke out due to damage to wiring, etc. ・A fire broke out due to a broken cord, etc. ・An incandescent lamp overturned or dropped and ignited combustible materials ignites, the water tank overturns, and the outlet is flooded with water, causing a fire.
Installation of a seismic breaker is an effective way to prevent electrical fires.

2. What is a seismic breaker?

It automatically cuts off the power supply when it senses shaking above a certain level during an earthquake, and by installing it in each home, it prevents fires from breaking out and spreading to other houses, etc., and reduces damage caused by fires. I can.

In order to prevent electrical fires due to earthquakes, it is effective to turn off the breaker when evacuating. It is safe to install a seismic breaker because it may not be possible to turn off the breaker in an emergency immediately after an earthquake or when you are not at home.

3. Types of seismic breakers

There are mainly the following types of seismic circuit breakers.

Image Types of seismic breakers
From the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry "Earthquake Breaker Spread Awareness Flyer (April 2019 version)"

・Distribution board type (built-in type)
A sensor built into the distribution board detects shaking and cuts off the breaker to shut off the electricity.

・Distribution board type (retrofit type)
It is a type that has an external vibration sensing function on the distribution board, and the sensor detects the shaking and turns off the breaker to cut off the electricity.
・Outlet type <br id="7"/> The sensor built into the outlet detects shaking and cuts off electricity from the outlet.
・Simple type <br id="11"/> When the spring is activated or the weight falls, the breaker is turned off to shut off the electricity.

Image Examples of outlet types
Example) Outlet type

Image Simple type example
Example) Simple type

Image Example of emergency light (blackout light)
Example) Emergency light (blackout light)

Note) Be careful when installing distribution boards that cut off all electricity in the home in the event of an earthquake, as they may affect medical equipment. Also, if an earthquake occurs at night, the lights will go out, which may hinder quick and safe evacuation to the outdoors, so prepare emergency lights.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Fire Department Headquarters Disaster Prevention Section Telephone: 042-377-7119