Inagi City

We are providing a free automatic call recorder to help fight off special scams!

Last updated: February 15, 2024

Fight off sophisticated special scams!

automatic call recorder
Automatic call recorder installation image

Special scams are characterized by elderly people becoming victims by listening to clever talk from criminals over the phone.
During Reiwa 5, there were 10 incidents of damage in the city, and the amount of damage was approximately 12.39 million yen, far exceeding the amount of damage last year.
In light of this current situation, the city is providing free automatic call recorders to prevent damage from special fraud.
This recorder plays a warning message to the caller (culprit) before the phone rings, so it is expected that the caller (culprit) will give up on the call and prevent further damage. Masu.

Eligible for benefits

Households in which people who live in the city are mostly 65 years old or older

Application method

Fill in the necessary information on the application form distributed at the General Affairs and Contract Division on the 5th floor of the city hall or the application form downloaded from the city website, and apply to the General Affairs and Contract Division.
If you are unable to come to the counter in person, you can apply by proxy.
We will verify your identity at the counter (in the case of an application by an agent, both the user and the agent), so please bring something that can confirm your name, address, and date of birth (driver's license, health insurance card, etc.). Please bring your own.

Download application forms, etc.

Please download this application form and apply to the General Affairs and Contract Division.

Precautions etc.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City General Affairs Department General Affairs and Contract Section Phone: 042-378-2111