Inagi City

2019 1st City Council Regular Assembly

Last updated: April 1, 2019

We publish session schedule, general question, representative question, bill deliberation result, committee examination (survey) of the 1st Inagi City Council regular meeting in 2019.

Parliamentary Affairs Section, Parliamentary Affairs Bureau (ext. 415)

When you want to see bill of regular meeting for the first time in 2019, please click the following title.

2019 1st Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

From February 26, 2019 to March 27 (30 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
February 26th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, administrative policies
Proposal explanation (excluding initial budget and supplementary budget)
Supplementary budget explanation, Q&A, Supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral
Initial budget explanation, budget special committee establishment, referral
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee 
After committee Committee Special Budget Committee
February 27 Wednesday  (recess)  (Date of scrutiny of bills)
February 28th Thursday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals (excluding initial and supplementary budgets) questions and referrals
After the plenary session Board of directors Budget Task Force Board 
After board meeting Committee General Affairs Committee 
After committee Committee Welfare Education Committee 
After committee Committee General Affairs Committee
March 1st Friday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
March 2 Saturday  (recess)   
March 3rd Sunday  (recess)   
March 4th Monday 9:30 am plenary session representative question
March 5th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee  
March 6 Wednesday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10) 
March 7 Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 11 to 15)
March 8 Friday 9:30 am plenary session General Questions (Nos. 16-18)
Supplementary Budget Special Committee Report, Debate, Voting  

After the plenary session

Committee Assembly Steering Committee
March 9 Saturday  (recess)   
March 10 Sunday  (recess)   
March 11 Monday 9:30 am Federation Examination Board General Affairs Committee Welfare and Education Committee Union Examination Committee
After the joint examination committee Committee General Affairs Committee
March 12th Tuesday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee
March 13th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
March 14th Thursday 9:30 am Committee Special Budget Committee (general question and answer session, establishment of subcommittees)
After committee Subcommittee General affairs subcommittee (director and vice chairpersons are mutually elected)  
After the breakout session Subcommittee Welfare and education subcommittee  
After the breakout session Subcommittee Construction Environment Subcommittee  
March 15th Friday 9:30 am Subcommittee Budget Special Committee General Affairs Subcommittee
March 16th Saturday  (recess)   
March 17th Sunday  (recess)   
March 18th Monday 9:30 am Subcommittee Budget Special Committee Welfare Education Subcommittee
March 19th Tuesday 9:30 am Subcommittee Budget Special Committee Construction Environment Subcommittee
March 20th Wednesday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 21st Thursday  (recess)  (Vernal Equinox Day)
March 22 Friday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 23rd Saturday  (recess)   
March 24th Sunday  (recess)   
March 25th Monday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 26th Tuesday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Request for continued investigation
After the plenary session Committee

Special Budget Committee (subcommittee report, vote)

March 27 Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals Committee Report, Debate, Voting
plenary session break Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Explanation of bills, Q&A
plenary session break Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposal debate, voting

General question

notification number Mr.    given name Question items (18 people, 89 items) preparation   thought
1 Chikako Ito 1 About town planning in Inagi  
2 About education  
3 About the garbage collection calendar issued once a year  
4 Creating a town where the elderly can continue to live with peace of mind  
5 About welcoming a new era of nursing care  
6 Subsidies for infertility treatment  
7 About the influenza epidemic  
8 About smoking  
9 About "Basic Law for Measures against Gambling Addiction"  
10 Longevity of healthy life expectancy  
11 Nankai Trough/Tama Inland Megaquake  
12 About visitor window correspondence  
13 About road maintenance in the city  
14 About after-school care  
15 About recycling  
16 Waste of medical expenses  
17 About sustainable Inagi city  
18 About sustainable agriculture  
19 Response to natural disasters  
20 About municipal hospital  
21 About stomach cancer  
22 About pharmacies and drugs  
23 About pneumonia prevention  
24 Treatment of non-regular local public employees  
2 Taichi Yamagishi 1 Improving the educational environment by installing air conditioners in special classrooms  
2 Realization of a long-term care insurance system for the elderly to live with peace of mind  
3 On improving the overwork of teachers to make schools a better place for education  
4 Community development where people and animals coexist by promoting local cat activities  
5 Protecting the Rights of Consumers Living in Rental Housing and Creating Residential Housing  
6 Welfare community development through the welfare use of the former Daimaru metropolitan housing complex  
3 Toshiaki Ozawa 1 About the efforts of the Inagi City Tourism Association as a tourism promotion platform  
2 About inflection of picture work which city stores as culture art  
3 About traffic safety measures for alerting such as color pavement  
4 Morihisa Okubo 1 Consistent developmental support from pre-school to post-junior high school  
2 Ensuring quality in private after-school clubs  
3 Important issues associated with home care  
4 About promotion of barrier-free town planning  
5 Strengthening bicycle safety measures  
6 Conservation of roads by Inagi city road pavement asset management  
5 Yukihiro Iwasa 1 Building Momentum for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games  
2 Arrangement of cycle stations  
6 Eiji Ikeda 1 About city beautification  
2 About the situation after enforcement of "Inagi City Ordinance Concerning Restrictions on Smoking on the Streets"  
3 Measures for Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games cycling road race and torch relay  
4 About the accommodation situation of dogs, cats, etc.  
7 Hiromi Tsunoji 1 Installation of bus stop roofs and benches in the Hirao and Sakahama districts  
2 Various issues in the Nagamine district  
3 Issues in the Wakabadai district  
4 Various issues in the Hirao district  
5 Expansion of cycle stations in the share cycle business (Norisuke)  
8 Takefumi Sakata 1 Regarding course supporters for the cycling road races of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games and creating a legacy after the Games  
2 About removal of utility poles on metropolitan roads  
3 Efforts to prevent bank transfer fraud  
9 Youko Murakami 1 Ensuring the quality of childcare  
2 Efforts to prevent abuse  
3 About reducing plastic waste  
4 About town development with agriculture  
10 Hisako Ichise 1 About correspondence of various vaccinations  
2 About the further awareness enlightenment of citizens for traffic safety  
3 Cancer education at city junior high schools using external lecturers  
11 Misako Kajiura 1 About approach for smooth introduction to fiscal year appointment staff system such as city part-time staff, temporary staff  
2 Utilization of external human resources such as school lawyers to strengthen child abuse and bullying prevention measures to protect children's lives  
3 Public signs, image colors and symbol colors of Inagi City  
4 About disaster prevention stockpiles of liquid milk (adjusted liquid milk)  
5 Strengthening the Promotion of Bone Marrow Transplant Donor Support Projects and Implementation of the Bone Marrow Donor Registration Meeting (Part 2)  
12 Manabu Okada 1 Bullying, school refusal, harassment, and abuse: Efforts to protect children's lives and human rights  
2 Enactment of the "Town Development Ordinance" to promote town development suitable for the region  
3 Child Poverty - Learning Support  
4 About expansion of i (ai) bus, route bus  
5 About waiting list child cancellation of authorization nursery school  
6 Improvement of traffic signals to prevent accidents at the crossing in front of Koyodai Shiroyama Park  
13 Ken Arai 1 Municipal administration that values citizens' voices  
2 About town development that is more convenient, and is easy to live in  
3 About town development that anyone can live in peace of mind  
4 Various problems in the Hirao area  
14 Nakata 1 About the current situation and future of regional disaster prevention in Inagi City  
2 Current Status of ITC Utilization in Inagi City  
15 Hisaharu Enomoto 1 About maintenance of life support system of life support, long-term care preventive service  
2 Efforts under the Sediment Disaster Prevention Act to prepare for sediment disasters  
16 Aiko Fujiwara 1 Further promotion of waste reduction and environmental conservation efforts in Inagi City  
2 About getting rid of special fraud damage  
3 About the “Second Inagi City Education Promotion Basic Plan”  
17 Akira Sasaki 1 About School Support Concierge  
2 About the “IkuBoss” Declaration by Inagi City Public Servants  
18 Makoto Suzuki 1 Efforts regarding disaster prevention and crime prevention in Inagi City  
2 About improving civic manners  
3 About education in municipal elementary and junior high schools  
4 About problem of Hirao Elementary School, Inagi second Junior High School  
5 About "Community development where children can invite their parents, parents can invite their children, and live together or near each other" where multiple generations can live  

representative question

notification number Name of faction Questioner number of questions Representative question item
1 Komeito Hiromi Tsunoji (27 questions) Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
1 Overview and effects of neonatal hearing screening
2 About reason to plan review of the medical checkup charges subsidy for the latter-stage elderly
3 About promotion of health business of elderly person
4 Regarding the city's involvement with municipal hospitals due to the full application of the Local Public Enterprise Law
5 About the amount and collection method of the actual cost of school lunches for children aged 3 years and over who are certified as childcare facilities
6 Benefits of Aoba Kindergarten's Transition to Kindergarten-Type Authorized Childcare Center
7 Schedule for privatization of Wakabadai Elementary School After-school Club
8 Effects of dementia cafes
9 About the contents of the life support worker training and the matching of the graduates
Chapter 2 Development of a community with interaction that nurtures people and culture
10 About publicity, public information to citizen of support contents for early childhood education
11 About the name, instruction content, and effects of special support classrooms in junior high schools
12 Formulation of the 3rd Inagi City Children's Reading Activity Promotion Plan
13 About the 130th anniversary project of the Inagi village system enforcement
14 Building Momentum for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
15 About street security camera installation cost assistance
16 About method such as distribution or common knowledge to citizen of disaster prevention map
17 About the Net119 emergency call system
18 About the replotted area of the Kamhirao firefighting branch office
19 How to use and effect of video-equipped laryngoscope for tracheal intubation
Chapter 4 Eco-friendly and vibrant urban development
20 About conversion of street lights to LED
21 About commercial activation plan formulation
22 About gift certificates with premium
Chapter 5 Creating a peaceful city surrounded by water and greenery
23 Detailed design of electric utility utility tunnel for Sukuenokido Line and Minami-Tama Station south side road
24 Maintenance and repair work for Sugebori
25 About the small-scale community transportation demonstration experiment
26 About the dog run maintenance business
Chapter 6 About community development together with citizens
27 About government building air conditioning equipment
notification number Name of faction Questioner number of questions Representative question item
2 Shinseikai Eiji Ikeda (21 questions) 1 About the impact on Japan of major changes in the world situation
2 About the city's efforts based on measures for a social security system for all generations in national expenditure
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
3 About shifting management form of municipal hospital to all application of Local Public Enterprise Law
4 Overview of the maintenance of group homes for the elderly with dementia
5 Free usage fees for child development support services for the first three years of school
6 About publicity method about becoming free of charge of early childhood education from October
7 Regarding future childcare waiting lists
Chapter 2 Development of a community with interaction that nurtures people and culture
8 Effects of expanding the number of school social workers
9 About basic idea about maintenance of new school lunch joint kitchen
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
10 About update of Inagi disaster prevention map
11 Renewal of high-standard ambulance and materials and equipment for advanced life-saving treatment
Chapter 4 Eco-friendly and vibrant urban development
12 Support for Commercial Revitalization Plan
13 About the schedule for selling gift certificates with premium
14 Overview of Founding School Business
Chapter 5 Creating a peaceful city surrounded by water and greenery
15 About progress of land readjustment project of city enforcement
16 About the attitude of the city towards the land readjustment project of the union enforcement
17 About the schedule of the Inagi city section of the Minamitama ridge trunk line
18 About the progress of the Yomiuri Land Line consignment business on Tama City Planning Road 3.4.12
19 About the purpose of formulating a stock management plan in the sewerage business
20 About how to proceed with the address arrangement business
Chapter 6 Community Development Together with Citizens
21 About approach about city-owned land such as legal public property
notification number Name of faction Questioner number of questions Representative question item
3 Reform Inagi no Kai Akira Sasaki (23 questions) Efforts of Motoichi
(1) About the achievement status of the fourth long-term comprehensive plan and the prospects for the next plan
(2) Results of Administrative Reform and Securing Financial Resources
(3) Regarding the maintenance of sound finances and approach to land readjustment projects
(4) Efforts for disaster prevention and mitigation measures
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
(1) About cooperation with care prevention business of elderly aged 75 or over health business
(2) About maintenance of medical service with change of management form of municipal hospital
(3) About elimination of wait-listed children
(4) Plans for the privatization of after-school clubs
(5) About the abolition of the child enrollment subsidy for single-parent families
(6) About dementia cafe
(7) Training for Livelihood Assistance Workers and Matching Graduates to Employment
Chapter 2 About town development with contact that nurtures people and culture
(1) Expansion of School Social Workers
(2) Fostering Momentum for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games and Cooperation with Each Organization
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
(1) Renewal of high-standard ambulances, materials and equipment for advanced life-saving treatment, and command vehicles
(2) About update of Inagi disaster prevention map
(3) Subsidies for security camera installation costs
Chapter 4 Environmentally friendly and vibrant community development
(1) About gift certificates with premium
(2) About LED lighting replacement of street lights
Chapter 5 About creating a peaceful town surrounded by water and greenery
(1) About the dog run maintenance business
(2) About building relocation, substitute lot change work in the area around Yanoguchi Station
(3) About maintenance of Ekimae-dori Line in the area around Inagi-Naganuma Station
(4) About the Hyakumura Section of the Tsurukawa Highway
Chapter 6 About community development together with citizens
(1) About repair work of government building air conditioning equipment
notification number Name of faction Questioner number of questions Representative question item
4 Manabu Okada, Japanese Communist Party (12 questions) 1 Questioning the mayor's basic stance on administrative policy
 (1) Citizens' livelihood support under the continuation of severe living conditions
   ah About recognition of citizen's living
   stomach About enhancement of social security
   hare Consumption tax increase
 (2) Realization of citizens' living, child-rearing/medical/nursing care, education, and town planning
   ah About waiting list child cancellation of nursery school
   stomach About the privatization of the third nursery school
   hare Privatization of Wakabadai Elementary School After-school Club
   workman Promotion of dementia measures
   o Expansion of School Social Workers
   power Strengthen prevention against disasters
   tree Early Commercialization of the Minamitama Ridge Trunk Line
   nine About the dog run maintenance business
   Ke Municipal administration that prioritizes living, welfare, and education instead of prioritizing development
notification number Name of faction Questioner number of questions Representative question item
5 Kifukai Makoto Suzuki (15 questions) 1 About the situation surrounding Inagi City
(1) Downside risk of the Japanese economy
(2) On the impact of the national budget on city budgeting
2 Overview of FY2019 budget
(1) About city tax increase
3 About the content of measures in the FY2019 budget
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
(1) About all application of local public enterprise law of municipal hospital
(2) Privatization of Wakabadai Elementary School After-school Club
(3) About care preventive daily living area needs investigation
Chapter 2 About town development with contact that nurtures people and culture
(1) About the abolition of home early childhood education subsidy
(2) About special support classroom establishment of junior high school
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
(1) Introduction of Net119 emergency call system
(2) Maintenance of video-equipped laryngoscope for tracheal intubation
Chapter 4 Environmentally friendly and vibrant community development
(1) About conversion of street lights to LED
(2) About Founding School Business
Chapter 5 About the development of a peaceful town surrounded by water and greenery
(1) About opening delay of Sakahama-Hirao Line
(2) About correspondence to traffic inconvenient area of Shimohirao district
Chapter 6 About community development together with citizens
(1) About update of car for agency
notification number Name of faction Questioner number of questions Representative question item
6 Ken Arai (20 questions) 1 Recognition of various situations
  (1) About major changes in the world situation
  (2) About the Abe Cabinet
  (3) About the national budget
  (4) About three points of basics of approach of Motoichi
2 Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
  (1) About era name
  (2) About review of complete medical checkup of the elderly aged 75 or over
  (3) About all application of local public enterprise law of hospital business
  (4) About maintenance of dementia group home
  (5) About childcare waiting list cancellation
  (6) About review of entrance to school subsidy of single-parent family child
3 Chapter 2 Development of a community with interaction that nurtures people and culture
  (1) Expansion of School Social Workers
4 Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
  (1) Support for residents' associations
  (2) About update of Inagi disaster prevention map
  (3) About maintenance of Net119 emergency call system
5 Chapter 4 Eco-friendly and vibrant urban development
  (1) Environmental issues in Inagi City
  (2) Support for Commercial Revitalization Plan
  (3) About gift certificates with premium
  (4) About Founding School Business
6 Chapter 5 Creating a peaceful city surrounded by water and greenery
  (1) About land readjustment project around Inagi Naganuma Station
  (2) About dock run maintenance business

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 1 Inagi City Ordinance Concerning Exceptions to the Administrative Authority of Office Affairs Related to Education General Affairs Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 2 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding the dispatch of Inagi City officials to public interest corporations General Affairs Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 3 Inagi city ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding payment of condolence money for disaster victims Welfare Education Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 4 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance that stipulates the standards for the facilities and operation of the Inagi City after-school club Welfare Education Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 5 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 6 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Business Invitation Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 7 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance that stipulates the Tama City Planning Project Inagi Enokido Land Readjustment Project Enforcement Regulations Construction Environment Committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 8 FY2018 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2019 Draft approved
9 Proposal No. 9 2018 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee

March 8, 2019

Draft approved
10 Proposal No. 10 2018 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2019 Draft approved
11 Proposal No. 11 2018 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2019  Draft approved
12 Proposal No. 12 FY2019 Inagi City General Account Budget budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
13 Proposal No. 13 2019 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
14 Proposal No. 14 2019 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
15 Proposal No. 15 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Budget budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
16 Proposal No. 16 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
17 Proposal No. 17 Fiscal year 2019 Inagi city sewerage business accounting budget in Tokyo budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
18 Proposal No. 18 FY2019 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget budget special committee March 27, 2019 Draft approved
19 Proposal No. 19 FY2019 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Prompt decision March 27, 2019 Draft approved

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonTakefumi Sakata
Vice Chair Yukihiro Iwasa
Committee Members Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Hisako Ichise, Kenji Nakayama, Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
February 13, 2019 1 About the status report of "JR Nambu Line underpass residents' association meeting facility new construction"
2 About change of Inagi-shi citizen protection plan
February 28, 2019 1 About the holding of the joint examination committee
February 28, 2019 1 About the decision to hold the joint examination committee
March 11, 2019 1 Proposal No. 1 Inagi City Ordinance on Exceptions to Administrative Authority for Education
2 Proposal No. 2 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding the dispatch of Inagi City officials to public interest corporations
3 Requests for continued research during closing

General Affairs Committee Welfare and Education Committee Federation Review Board (14 members)

ChairpersonTakefumi Sakata
Vice Chair Yukihiro Iwasa
Members Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Hisako Ichise, Kenji Nakayama, Misako Kajiura, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi Hisaharu Enomoto, Naka Nakata, Toshiaki Ozawa, Morihisa Okubo, Riki Watanabe

date Examination (investigation) items
March 11, 2019 1 Proposal No. 1 Inagi City Ordinance on Exceptions to Administrative Authority for Education

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Chairman Aiko Fujiwara
Vice Chairman Taichi Yamagishi
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Naka Nakata, Toshiaki Ozawa, Morihisa Okubo, Riki Watanabe

date Examination (investigation) items
January 28, 2019 1 Regarding the delay in the development of housing support service bases at Koyodai Tokyo Residential Housing
2 About the maintenance situation of nursery school
3 About Correction of Reported Values of "FY2018 Survey on Installation of Air Conditioning (Cooling) Equipment in Public School Facilities"
4 About the informal appointment of Inagi City Hospital business manager
February 28, 2019 1 About the holding of the joint examination committee
March 12, 2019 1 Proposal No. 3 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the payment of Inagi City disaster condolence money
2 Proposal No. 4 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance that stipulates the standards for the facilities and operation of the Inagi City after-school club
3 Proposal No. 5 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Nursing-Care Insurance Ordinance
4 Requests for continued research during closing

Construction Environment Committee (6 members)

Chair Makoto Suzuki
Vice Chairman Akira Sasaki
Committee Members Ken Arai, Manabu Okada, Eiji Ikeda, Hiromi Tsunoji

date Examination (investigation) items
March 13, 2019 1 Proposal No. 6 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Business Invitation Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 7 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance, etc. that stipulates the Tama City Planning Project Inagi Enokido Land Readjustment Project Enforcement Regulations
3 Requests for continued research during closing

Assembly Steering Committee (6 members)

ChairpersonRiki Watanabe
Vice-Chairman Morihisa Okubo
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Ken Arai, Taichi Yamagishi, Nakata Nakata

date Examination (investigation) items
February 19, 2019 1 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the next regular assembly
February 28, 2019 1 About General Affairs Committee Welfare and Education Committee Union Examination Committee
2 About schedule change of the 1st regular meeting
3 About opinion from the Board of Education about the first bill
March 5, 2019 1 Requests for continued research during closing
March 8, 2019 1 About schedule change of the 1st regular meeting
March 26, 2019 1 Requests for continued research during closing
2 About the name of the next regular meeting
March 27, 2019 1 Notification and order of debate
2 Additional proposals
3 Notification and order of debate

Special Budget Committee (20 members)

ChairmanKenji Nakayama
Vice ChairpersonHisako Ichise
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Hisaharu Enomoto, Akira Sasaki, Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Ken Arai, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Manabu Okada, Takefumi Sakata, Eiji Ikeda, Makoto Nakata Suzuki, Hiromi Tsunoji, Toshiaki Ozawa, Morihisa Okubo , Riki Watanabe, Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
February 26, 2019 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
February 28, 2019 1 (Budget Special Committee Board)
About examination method of budget special committee
March 14, 2019 [Summary question]
1 Proposal No. 12 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget
2 Proposal No. 13 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 14 Fiscal Year 2019 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 15 Fiscal Year 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Budget
5 Proposal No. 16 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
6 Budget No. 17 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City Sewerage Business Accounting Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
7 Budget No. 18 FY2019 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget
(General Affairs Subcommittee)
1 Mutual election of Chief Judges
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
(Welfare Education Subcommittee)
1 Mutual election of Chief Judges
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
(Construction Environment Subcommittee)
1 Mutual election of Chief Judges
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 15, 2019 (General Affairs Subcommittee)
1 Proposal No. 12: The part related to the jurisdiction of the planning department of the 2019 Inagi City general account budget
2 Proposal No. 12: The part related to the jurisdiction of the general affairs department, accounting department, fire department headquarters, audit committee and election management committee of the 2019 Inagi City general account budget
March 18, 2019 (Welfare Education Subcommittee)
1 Proposal No. 12: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Welfare Department of the 2019 Inagi City general account budget
2 Proposal No. 15 Fiscal Year 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 12: The part related to the jurisdiction of the Board of Education of the 2019 Inagi City general account budget
4 Budget No. 18 FY2019 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget
March 19, 2019 (Construction Environment Subcommittee)
1 Proposal No. 12: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Citizens Department and the Agriculture Committee of the 2019 Inagi City general account budget
2 Proposal No. 13 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 16 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 12: The part related to the jurisdiction of the Urban Construction Department of the 2019 Inagi City general account budget
5 Proposal No. 14 Fiscal Year 2019 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
6 Budget No. 17 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City Sewerage Business Accounting Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
March 26, 2019 (Review report of each subcommittee, Q&A, Voting)
1 Proposal No. 12 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget
2 Proposal No. 13 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 14 Fiscal Year 2019 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 15 Fiscal Year 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Budget
5 Proposal No. 16 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
6 Budget No. 17 Fiscal 2019 Inagi City Sewerage Business Accounting Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
7 Budget No. 18 FY2019 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

Chair Eiji Ikeda
Vice ChairmanToshiaki Ozawa
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Ken Arai, Manabu Okada, Takefumi Sakata, Makoto Suzuki, Morihisa Okubo

date Examination (investigation) items
February 26, 2019 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 1, 2019 1 Proposal No. 8 Fiscal 2018 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4)
2 Proposal No. 9 2018 Inagi City, Tokyo National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)
3 Proposal No. 10 Fiscal 2018 Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3)
4 Proposal No. 11 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)


No Receipt number petition name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 First petition Based on the gist of the National Governors' Association's "Recommendation Concerning the Burden of U.S. Military Bases," we request that the government submit a written opinion requesting the government to review the Japan-U.S. Status of Forces Agreement, which threatens the foundation of local autonomy. distribution only    
2 Petition No. 2 A petition requesting that the abandoned cedar and cypress forests in deep mountains be cleared in a systematic manner using the forest environment transfer tax (provisional name) to return them to natural forests. distribution only    

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Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111