Inagi City

2017 2nd regular meeting

Last updated: July 4, 2017

Contains the session schedule, general questions, results of bill deliberations, committee examination (investigation) matters, etc. of the 2nd Inagi City Council regular meeting in 2017.

Assembly Secretariat Proceedings (ext. 415)

When you want to look at the bill of the 2nd regular meeting in 2017, please click the following title.

2017 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

From June 12, 2017 to June 30 (19 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
June 12 Monday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, bill explanations
June 13th Tuesday (adjournment) (Date of scrutiny of bills)
June 14th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals (excluding supplementary budgets and prompt resolutions) questions and referrals
Proposal (Supplementary Budget) Questions
Supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral
Quick resolution proposal question, vote
Explanation of bills submitted by members, question and answer, debate, voting
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee 
June 15th Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
June 16th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
June 17th Saturday (adjournment)  
June 18th Sunday (adjournment)  
June 19th Monday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 11 to 15) 
June 20th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 16 to 19) 
June 21st Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
June 22nd Thursday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
June 23rd Friday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee 
June 24th Saturday (adjournment)  
June 25th Sunday (adjournment)  
June 26th Monday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
June 27 Tuesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
June 28th Wednesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
June 29th Thursday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
June 30th Friday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals Committee Report, Debate, Voting

General question

notification number family name Questions (19 people, 100 items) remarks
1 Chikako Ito 1 About dangerous gymnastics  
2 Efforts for "adults who can't be discouraged"  
3 About active learning (AL) in the new Course of Study  
4 Support for local governments in raising infants  
5 About learning support by tablet terminal  
6 Health Guidance for Public Assistance Households  
7 About waiting list child plan  
8 Concerns about school life of guardians of children with chronic illness  
9 About diaper supply business to elderly person, person with a disability  
10 About the elderly watching service business using videophone  
11 About the 10th Anniversary of the Enforcement of the Basic Act on Cancer Control  
12 Securing means of transportation for daily life in difficult/inconvenient areas  
13 Further enhancement of maternal and child health  
14 About measures against liver cancer and hepatitis  
15 About 360,000 people waiting for special nursing care, Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare survey report  
16 About stomach cancer risk screening  
17 Higashikurume City's efforts to improve children's basic Japanese language skills  
18 About support for the "difficult to live" as seen in the "Children's Life Survey"  
19 About “Qsuke”  
20 About private use promotion of Inagi-shi homecoming paper "Inagi kid"  
21 About expansion of recycling box of used small household appliances  
22 About medical plans  
23 Improvement of the school library  
2 Taichi Yamagishi 1 About the sixth long-term care insurance business plan  
2 About school attendance support system  
3 About Inagi City Child and Child-rearing Support Project Plan  
4 About earthquake resistance improvement of metropolitan Inagi second apartment  
5 Regarding the use of the site of Toei Inagi No. 1 Apartment  
3 Toshiaki Ozawa 1 About introduction of "specialized hospital" for "person diagnosed with cancer" in municipal hospital, promotion of consultation system of treatment method  
2 Expansion of "Koho Inagi" and "Homepage"  
3 About "Water and Green Town Development" in the hilly area on the right bank of the Misawa River  
4 Morihisa Okubo 1 Ensuring the safety and health of construction workers such as "single masters"  
2 About providing subsidies such as school bag purchase expenses before entering elementary school  
3 Utilization of the “club activity instructor” system in junior high schools  
4 About the installation of spots where mobile devices such as smartphones can be charged for free  
5 Measures to promote the installation of AEDs in condominiums  
6 About public support to ensure the future security of persons with intellectual disabilities  
7 About speed control measures on community roads without sidewalks such as pedestrian and vehicle coexistence roads  
5 Eiji Ikeda 1 Public awareness and enlightenment of biodiversity  
2 Safety measures for community roads near Yanoguchi Bridge  
3 About the new Course of Study  
4 About whereabouts of junior high school students  
6 Hiromi Tsunoji 1 About the spread enlightenment of Shokuiku  
2 Safety measures in the Hirao area  
3 Further promotion of consumer education  
4 About further activation in Shiroyama Park  
5 About promotion of route bus of new town area  
6 About utilization of consultation desk of welfare living  
7 Takefumi Sakata 1 Quality of childcare  
2 Troubles over sublease contracts in the apartment construction boom  
3 About conversion of lighting installed on the road to LED  
4 About setting of street security camera  
5 About hard of hearing measures of disaster prevention administrative radio  
8 Yukihiro Iwasa 1 About i bus  
2 About measures such as illegally parked bicycles in front of the station  
3 Promotion of removal of utility poles  
4 Measures against influenza, gastroenteritis, etc.  
5 About the Organized Crime Exclusion Ordinance  
9 Hisako Ichise 1 About further expansion of nursery school in the city  
2 About making school lunch fee free  
3 About further initiatives for food drives  
4 Breast cancer screening and mammary gland outpatient clinic at Inagi City Hospital  
10 Manabu Okada 1 About improvement of i (ai) bus, route bus  
2 Regarding the installation of coolers in special classrooms (arts and crafts rooms, home economics rooms, etc.) in elementary and junior high schools  
3 About National Health Insurance  
4 About waiting list cancellation of authorized nursery school  
5 About expansion of the medical expenses subsidy for elementary and junior high school students  
11 Riki Watanabe 1 About correspondence to armed attack situation in city  
2 Promotion of LED lighting at home  
3 About setting up a dog run  
12 Youko Murakami 1 About alerting to "infant botulism" by honey  
2 About community development of child participation  
3 About selection of elementary school "special subject morality" textbook  
4 Issues in Inagi City for revising the Law for Supporting Self-Reliance of the Poor  
5 Promotion of measures to recognize gender diversity  
13 Ken Arai 1 About improvement of child care support measures  
2 About station square maintenance in Inagi-shi  
3 Efforts to further expand the city bus transportation network  
4 About the information board installed at the entrance of the city hall  
5 Expansion of citizen funerals utilizing Nanzan Hall  
14 Nakata 1 Current Status of “Informatization of Education” in Inagi City  
2 About the way of "city promotion" in Inagi City  
15 Akira Sasaki 1 About school safety  
2 About drug contamination  
3 About concrete correspondence and approach of city to person with a disability  
16 Hisaharu Enomoto 1 About safety measures for commuting to and from elementary and junior high schools  
2 An environment in which the elderly can continue to exercise and engage in activities, and efforts to help those certified as requiring long-term care achieve self-actualization  
17 Misako Kajiura 1 About introduction of "bond card" for further promotion of community association activity and commerce  
2 Improving firefighting capabilities based on the lessons learned from the Itoigawa large-scale fire  
3 Further promotion of youth sound development and strengthening of delinquency prevention measures  
4 Further promotion of sports promotion in Inagi City by Tokyo Verdy  
5 Regarding the development and promotion of sports centered on baseball in Inagi City by the Yomiuri Giants, and strengthening cooperation and cooperation for the healthy development of children  
18 Aiko Fujiwara 1 About the support system for those who need support in the event of a disaster  
2 About "social movement point system"  
3 Efforts for commercial revitalization  
19 Makoto Suzuki 1 About disaster prevention measures of Inagi City at the time of a major disaster  
2 About the situation of extracurricular activities in municipal junior high schools  
3 About empty house measures by the city  
4 About correspondence to person with hearing and language obstacle in city hall  
5 About various problems put by citizen's all of you  

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 32 FY2017 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 33 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
3 Proposal No. 34 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
4 Proposal No. 35 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
5 Proposal No. 36 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
6 Proposal No. 37 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
7 Proposal No. 38 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
8 Proposal No. 39 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
9 Proposal No. 40 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
10 Proposal No. 41 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
11 Proposal No. 42 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
12 Proposal No. 43 Appointment of Inagi City Agricultural Committee members Prompt decision June 14, 2017 consent
13 Proposal No. 44 Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Large-scale renovation work (construction) contract Welfare Education Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved
14 Proposal No. 45 Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Large-scale renovation work (electricity) contract Welfare Education Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved
15 Proposal No. 46 Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Large-scale renovation work (machinery) contract Welfare Education Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved
16 Proposal No. 47 Tunnel maintenance work contract for Route 3, 4, and 36 Construction Environment Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved
17 Proposal No. 48 About purchase of firefighting pump car General Affairs Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved
18 Proposal No. 49 About authorization of Inagi-shi road line Construction Environment Committee June 30, 2017 Draft approved

bill submitted by a member of the Diet

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 6 Statement of Opinion on Course Setting for Cycling (Road Race) at the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020 Prompt decision June 14, 2017 Draft approved

administrative report

No report number Report name
1 First report About carry-over license expenses carry-over statement (FY2016 Inagi City, Tokyo general account budget)
2 Second report About carryover clearing expenses carryover statement (FY2016 Tokyo Inagi City land readjustment project special account budget)
3 Third report About carry-over license expenses carry-over statement (FY2016 Tokyo Inagi City sewerage business special account budget)
4 Report No. 4 Management status of Inagi City Land Development Public Corporation
5 Report No. 5 Management status of Inagi Green Wellness Foundation

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonTakefumi Sakata
Vice Chair Yukihiro Iwasa
Committee Members Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Hisako Ichise, Kenji Nakayama, Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
June 22, 2017 1 Proposal No. 48: Purchase of Fire Pump Vehicles
2 Addition of items to be investigated for specific administrative affairs
3 Requests for continued research during closing

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Committee Chair Aiko Fujiwara
Vice-chairman Taichi Yamagishi
Committee members Hisaharu Enomoto, Naka Nakata, Toshiaki Ozawa, Morihisa Okubo, Tsutomu Watanabe

date Examination (investigation) items
May 26, 2017 1 Regarding the facility maintenance of the Tokyo Metropolitan Housing Supply Corporation on the site of the former Hirao Sewage Treatment Plant
2 About wait-listed child measures
3 About report of examination result by examination committee such as Inagi City appropriate school districts
June 23, 2017 1 Proposal No. 44 Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Large-scale renovation work (construction) contract
2 Proposal No. 45 Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Large-scale renovation work (electricity) contract
3 Proposal No. 46 Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Building Large-Scale Renovation Construction (Machine) Contract
4 Addition of items to be investigated for specific administrative affairs
5 Requests for continued research during closing

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

Chairman Makoto Suzuki
Vice Chair Akira Sasaki
Committee members Ken Arai, Manabu Okada, Eiji Ikeda, Hiromi Tsunoji, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
June 26, 2017 1 Dispatch of committee members during the session
2 Proposal No. 49 About authorization of Inagi city road line
3 Proposal No. 47 Tunnel maintenance work contract for Routes 3, 4, and 36
4 Addition of items to be investigated for specific administrative affairs
5 Requests for continued research during closing

Assembly Steering Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonRiki Watanabe
Vice-Chairman Morihisa Okubo
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Ken Arai, Taichi Yamagishi, Nakata Nakata, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
June 5, 2017 1 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the next regular assembly
June 14, 2017 1 About member of the Diet submission bill
June 16, 2017 1 Requests for continued research during closing
June 30, 2017 1 Notification and order of debate
2 Dispatch of Diet members during closing
3 Requests for continued research during closing

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

Chair Shigeru Harashima
Vice ChairpersonHisako Ichise
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Akira Sasaki, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Chu Nakata, Hiromi Tsunoji, Riki Watanabe,
Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
June 14, 2017 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
June 21, 2017 1 Proposal No. 32 Fiscal 2017 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111