Inagi City

2016 2nd regular meeting

Last updated: July 1, 2016

We publish session schedule, general question, bill deliberation result, committee examination (investigation) matter of 2016 second Inagi-shi assembly regular session.

Assembly Secretariat Proceedings (ext. 415)

When you want to look at the bill of the 2nd regular meeting in 2016, please click the following title.

2016 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

From June 10, 2016 to June 30 (21 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
June 10th Friday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, bill explanations
June 11th Saturday (adjournment)  
June 12 Sunday (adjournment)  
June 13th Monday (adjournment) (Date of scrutiny of bills)
June 14th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session Proposals (excluding supplementary budgets and prompt resolutions) questions and referrals
Proposal (Supplementary Budget) Questions
Supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral
Quick resolution proposal question, vote
Submission of petition
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee 
June 15th Wednesday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
June 16th Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
June 17th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 11 to 15) 
June 18th Saturday (adjournment)  
June 19th Sunday (adjournment)  
June 20th Monday 9:30 am plenary session General Questions (Nos. 16 to 20) 
June 21st Tuesday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
June 22nd Wednesday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
June 23rd Thursday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee 
June 24th Friday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
June 25th Saturday (adjournment)  
June 26th Sunday (adjournment)  
June 27 Monday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
June 28th Tuesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
June 29th Wednesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
June 30th Thursday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals, petition committee reports, debates, voting
Questions, discussions, and votes on bills submitted by members of the Diet

General question

notification number Mr.    given name Question items (20 people, 103 items) preparation   thought
1 Chikako Ito 1 Diversification of group homes for the mentally handicapped  
2 Disability Discrimination Elimination Act  
3 About Persons with Disabilities Abuse Prevention Act  
4 About long-term inpatient problem in city hospital  
5 About the Psychiatric State Compensation Lawsuit  
6 About dementia measures  
7 About the city's efforts regarding earthquake disaster countermeasures  
8 About BCG individual inoculation  
9 Efforts to improve the cancer screening rate  
10 About suicide prevention measures  
11 Efforts to collect used small electronic devices  
12 About cats without owners  
13 About littering measures  
14 About utilization of empty house  
15 About accident prevention in park playground equipment  
16 About Tokyo Waterworks Management Plan 2016  
17 About the development of Asuka Soken  
2 Hiromi Tsunoji 1 About approach of city based on Kumamoto earthquake  
2 About Kamiyato Firefly Evening  
3 About further well-known signboard setting of Inagi Nagamine sports open space  
4 On thanking the bystanders  
5 About safety measures at intersections where accidents occur frequently  
6 About further enhancement of after-school children's classes  
7 About measures against dementia  
3 Toshiaki Ozawa 1 About "urban development that makes use of greenery"  
2 About “Further enhancement of citizen’s awareness of disaster prevention”  
3 Efforts to expand the use of “Furendo Hirao, a life and culture facility”  
4 About the installation of "local version of Hello Work" in Inagi City  
4 Hisako Ichise 1 Further revitalization of Inagi City  
2 Safety measures in the Daimaru and Oshidate areas  
3 Efforts to reduce "food loss"  
5 Morihisa Okubo 1 Visualization of finances through the introduction of the new public accounting system  
2 Concerning the problem of abandoned land that is not connected to the inheritance  
3 Strengthening regional disaster prevention capabilities through mutual assistance between condominiums and local residents  
4 About setting place of AED in elementary and junior high school  
5 About wait-list child zero measures of after-school child club of Inagi seventh elementary school district  
6 About the privatization of all afterschool clubs  
7 Efforts regarding special needs education in Motoichi  
8 About activity of member of school library activation promotion in team school  
9 About maintenance of Yoshikata Park where expansion is planned  
10 About maintenance of the second Cultural Center north side irrigation canal  
6 Eiji Ikeda 1 About measures against heatstroke  
2 Regarding traffic safety measures on the old Kawasaki Highway due to the opening of the road on the north side of the Nambu Line  
3 About birds in the city  
4 About community development around Minamiyama eastern area  
5 About disaster countermeasures  
7 Kenichi Kitahama 1 About the firefighting system that citizen can feel relieved about  
2 About the entry and rules of vehicles to the station square rotary at each station in the city  
3 Regarding the opening of a home improvement store on the site of the former Fujitsu Minamitama factory  
8 Takefumi Sakata 1 Hometown tax system  
2 About maintenance of nursery school  
3 Formulation of Inagi City Traffic Safety Plan  
4 Regarding the maintenance of the Hyakumura section of the Tsurukawa Highway  
9 Youko Murakami 1 About Inagi City Regional Disaster Prevention Plan  
2 About measures against asbestos in Inagi City  
3 Enhancement of household financial consultation in Inagi City and utilization of the Tokyo metropolitan life revitalization project  
4 About enhancement of related books on LGBT (sexual minorities) in libraries and schools  
5 Utilization of Wakabadai Park Administration Building Conference Room  
10 Yukihiro Iwasa 1 About the Smartphone Ordinance  
2 About small paving stones in the new town area  
3 About Inagi Transmission Base Pair Terrace  
4 About Guidance Death  
5 About the Corporate Invitation Ordinance  
11 Riki Watanabe 1 About measurement of radiation dose  
2 About radioactive material measurement inspection of school lunch ingredients  
3 Dissemination of information using social network services, commonly known as SNS, in the event of a disaster  
12 Misako Kajiura 1 Further promotion of work-life balance (WLB) measures (Part 5)  
2 Issuing Nashinosuke Inagi's original marriage registration certificate and birth registration commemorative certificate  
3 Regarding the establishment of the Inagi City Tobacco Control Excellent Facility Registration System as a strengthening of measures to prevent passive smoking, and the dissemination and promotion of countermeasure subsidies and subsidies such as the prevention of passive smoking and the improvement of separate smoking environments by the national and metropolitan governments.  
13 Nakata 1 Recognition of current situation and future response to population composition by generation in Inagi City  
2 Responding to Various Issues Focused on the Kumamoto Earthquake  
3 Future initiatives regarding tourism in Inagi City  
4 About correspondence to school refusal in municipal elementary and junior high school  
14 Taichi Yamagishi 1 About maintenance of evacuation system of person needing various consideration at the time of earthquake disaster  
2 About the sixth long-term care insurance plan  
3 Protection and Utilization of Historical and Cultural Properties  
4 Adoption of textbooks in elementary and junior high schools  
5 About "Negata Yato" and "Yomiuri Land Saka" high embankment construction  
6 Citizens' Conference for Studying Overseas Sister City Partnerships  
15 Manabu Okada 1 About i (ai) bus, improvement of route bus  
2 Eliminate waiting lists for children at licensed nursery schools  
3 About reconstruction of Hirao condominium housing  
4 Child poverty measures  
5 Concerning Nagamine's "Asuka Soken Inagi Office" construction plan problem  
6 About escalator installation in Wakabadai Station  
7 Installing coolers in special classrooms at elementary and junior high schools  
16 Akira Sasaki 1 About the approach situation of general education meeting  
2 Child Abuse Prevention  
3 Support measures for single-parent families  
17 Aiko Fujiwara 1 Community development that makes use of Inagi's unique greenery and historical scenery  
2 About "health examination" carried out in city elementary and junior high school  
3 Earthquake resistance of houses and buildings in Inagi City  
18 Ken Arai 1 Regarding the city's response to high embankment creation in the Nanzan eastern land readjustment project in search of safe city development  
2 Regarding the city's response to building a town where people can continue to live with peace of mind centered on the local community  
3 About promotion of approach for easy-to-understand house indication  
4 About the city's stance on attracting companies  
19 Hisaharu Enomoto 1 About entering a special elderly nursing home  
2 About the role of the Regional Comprehensive Support Center  
3 About illegal dumping of garbage  
20 Makoto Suzuki 1 About the city's efforts regarding disaster prevention in Inagi City  
2 Regarding partnerships with new companies expanding into the city  
3 About further utilization of Inagi transmission base pair terrace  
4 About city planning review of Inagi-shi  

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 30 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance on the Use of Inagi City Personal Number and Specific Personal Information General Affairs Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 31 The ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning public affairs accident compensation, etc. for part-time employees of Inagi City General Affairs Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 32 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance General Affairs Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 33 FY2016 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 34 2016 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 35 2016 Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 36 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Sewerage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 37 Large-scale renovation work (construction) contract for Inagi City Central Community Center Hall Welfare Education Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
9 Proposal No. 38 Large-scale renovation work (electricity) contract for Inagi City Central Community Center Hall Welfare Education Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
10 Proposal No. 39 About authorization of Inagi-shi road line Construction Environment Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
11 Proposal No. 40 About the abolition of Inagi-shi road line Construction Environment Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
12 Proposal No. 41 Determining the amount of compensation for damages Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved
13 Proposal No. 42 About requesting approval of Sendan disposition (ordinance to partially revise the Inagi city tax ordinance, etc.) Prompt decision June 14, 2016 approval
14 Proposal No. 43 About requesting approval of Senketsu disposition (Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance) Prompt decision June 14, 2016 approval
15 Proposal No. 44 FY2016 Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 30, 2016 Draft approved

bill submitted by a member of the Diet

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 3 Opinion on course setting passing through Inagi city for cycling (road race) at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games Prompt decision June 30, 2016 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 4 Opinion Opinion Opposing Revision of U.S. Forces Realignment Grants Based on the Act on Special Measures Concerning Smooth Implementation of Realignment of U.S. Forces Prompt decision June 30, 2016 rejection
3 Proposal No. 5 Opinion requesting a review of the national nuclear power policy Prompt decision June 30, 2016 rejection

administrative report

No report number Report name
1 First report About carry-over license expenses carry-over statement (FY2015 Tokyo Inagi City general account budget)
2 Second report Concerning the carried forward permit expenses carried forward statement (FY2015 Tokyo Inagi City land readjustment project special account budget)
3 Third report Accident carryover carryover statement (FY2015 Tokyo Inagi city sewerage business special account budget)
4 Report No. 4 Management status of Inagi City Land Development Public Corporation
5 Report No. 5 Management status of Inagi Green Wellness Foundation


No Receipt number petition name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 2 A petition calling for the early enactment of passive smoking prevention ordinances for the promotion of residents' health and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics Welfare Education Committee June 30, 2016 adoption
2 Petition No. 3 A petition to take measures to improve the feasibility of the Inagi City urban planning master plan Construction Environment Committee June 30, 2016 Rejected
3 Petition No. 4 Petition requesting the government to submit an “opinion requesting the suspension of the consumption tax increase” Distribution only    

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

Chairman Takefumi Sakata
Vice-chairman Toshiaki Ozawa
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Kenji Nakayama, Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
April 12, 2016 1 Regarding the expansion of "public information Inagi and city homepages (Internet media such as WEB)" that citizens want to read and see way)
June 22, 2016 1 Proposal No. 32 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance, etc.
2 Proposal No. 30 Ordinance to Partially Revise the Ordinance Concerning Use of Inagi City Individual Number and Specific Personal Information
3 Proposal No. 31 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding public affairs accident compensation, etc. for part-time employees of Inagi City
4 Requests for continued research during closing
5 Dispatch of committee members during closing

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Chair Nakata Nakata
Vice ChairmanHisaharu Enomoto
Members Akira Sasaki, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Eiji Ikeda, Hiromi Tsunoji

date Examination (investigation) items
April 15, 2016 1 Efforts for home medical care and long-term care cooperation
June 23, 2016 1 Proposal No. 37 Inagi City Central Community Center Hall Large-scale renovation work (construction) contract
2 Proposal No. 38 Inagi City Central Community Center Hall Large-scale renovation work (electricity) contract
3 Petition No. 2: A petition requesting the early enactment of an ordinance to prevent passive smoking in preparation for the health promotion of residents and the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics.
4 Requests for continued research during closing
5 Dispatch of committee members during closing

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonKen Arai
Vice Chairman Manabu Okada
Committee members Makoto Suzuki, Hisako Ichise, Morihisa Okubo, Kenichi Kitahama, Riki Watanabe

date Examination (investigation) items
May 9, 2016 1 Sightseeing in Inagi City
2 Major Projects of the Urban Construction Department in 2016
3 About the second review situation of bus public transport
4 About publication of ex-post evaluation of social capital general maintenance plan in public sewerage business
5 About the enactment of the Inagi City Town Development Ordinance
June 24, 2016 1 Dispatch of committee members during the session
2 Proposal No. 39 About authorization of Inagi city road line
3 About the 40th bill abolition of Inagi city road line
4 A petition to take measures to improve the feasibility of the Inagi City urban planning master plan
5 Requests for continued research during closing

Assembly Steering Committee (8 members)

ChairmanKenichi Kitahama
Vice Chairman Hiromi Tsunoji
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Akira Sasaki, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Takefumi Sakata, Makoto Suzuki

date Examination (investigation) items
April 13, 2016 1 About efficiency of assembly administration
May 17, 2016 1 About efficiency of assembly administration
June 3, 2016 1 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the next regular assembly
2 About efficiency of assembly administration
June 16, 2016 1 About member of the Diet submission bill
2 Requests for continued research during closing
June 30, 2016 1 Notification and order of debate
2 Additional proposals
3 Dispatch of Diet members during closing
4 Requests for continued research during closing
June 30, 2016 1 Notification and order of debate

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

date Examination (investigation) items
June 14, 2016 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
June 21, 2016 1 Proposal No. 33 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
2 Proposal No. 34 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
3 Proposal No. 35 2016 Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
4 Proposal No. 36 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Sewerage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
5 Proposal No. 41: Determining the amount of compensation for damages

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111