Inagi City

2016 1st regular meeting

Last updated: March 30, 2016

Contains the session schedule, general questions, representative questions, results of bill deliberations, committee examination (investigation) matters, etc. of the 1st Inagi City Council regular meeting in 2016.

Assembly Secretariat Proceedings (ext. 415)

When you want to see bill of regular meeting for the first time in 2016, please click the following title.

2016 1st Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
February 25th Thursday 9:30 plenary session Administrative reports, administrative policies
Proposal explanation,
Supplementary budget explanation, Q&A, Supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral
Initial budget explanation, budget special committee establishment, referral
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee 
After committee Committee Special Budget Committee  
February 26th Friday  (recess)  (Date of scrutiny of bills)
February 27 Saturday  (recess)   
February 28th Sunday  (recess)   
February 29th Monday 9:30 plenary session Proposals (excluding initial budget) questions, referrals, discussions, voting
March 1st Tuesday 9:30 Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
March 2 Wednesday 9:30 plenary session representative question
March 3rd Thursday 9:30 plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
March 4th Friday 9:30 plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10) 
March 5th Saturday  (recess)   
March 6 Sunday  (recess)   
March 7 Monday 9:30 plenary session General questions (Nos. 11 to 15)
March 8 Tuesday 9:30 Committee Congressional Operations Committee (Debate Notice) 
After the end of the fortune plenary session General questions (Nos. 16 to 19)
Supplementary Budget Special Committee Report, Debate, Voting
After the plenary session Board of directors Budget Task Force Board 
March 9 Wednesday 9:30 Committee General Affairs Committee
March 10 Thursday 9:30 Committee Welfare Education Committee 
March 11 Friday 9:30 Committee Construction Environment Committee
March 12th Saturday  (recess)   
March 13th Sunday  (recess)   
March 14th Monday 9:30 Committee Special Budget Committee (general question and answer session, establishment of subcommittees)
After committee Subcommittee General affairs subcommittee (director and vice chairpersons are mutually elected) 
After the breakout session Subcommittee Welfare and education subcommittee 
After the breakout session Subcommittee Construction Environment Subcommittee
March 15th Tuesday 9:30 Subcommittee Budget Special Committee General Affairs Subcommittee
March 16th Wednesday 9:30 Subcommittee Budget Special Committee Welfare Education Subcommittee
March 17th Thursday 9:30 Subcommittee Budget Special Committee Construction Environment Subcommittee
March 18th Friday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 19th Saturday  (recess)   
March 20th Sunday  (recess)  (Vernal Equinox Day)
March 21st Monday  (recess)  (Substitute holiday)
March 22 Tuesday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 23rd Wednesday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 24th Thursday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 25th Friday 9:30 Committee Special Budget Committee (subcommittee report, vote)
March 26th Saturday  (recess)   
March 27 Sunday  (recess)   
March 28th Monday 9:30 Committee Assembly Steering Committee  
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals Committee Report, Debate, Voting

General question

notification number Mr.    given name Question items (19 people, 97 items) preparation   thought
1 Chikako Ito 1 Hometown tax  
2 About the problem of vacant homes  
3 About obligatory stress check  
4 Introduction of morning-focused working  
5 Improvement of working conditions for nursery teachers  
6 Improving treatment of temporary and part-time staff (non-regular workers)  
7 About treatment improvement of local welfare officer, children's committee  
8 Understanding the reality of child poverty  
9 About stomach cancer screening  
10 About disaster measures of water supply  
11 About the importance of maintenance of residential fire alarms  
12 Prevention of school refusal  
13 About Olympic and Paralympic Education  
14 About hands-on activities using English for elementary and junior high school students  
15 About the sexually transmitted disease "syphilis"  
2 Hiromi Tsunoji 1 About protecting and raising children with a future  
2 About protecting the lives of elementary and junior high school students  
3 Promotion of neuvola business  
4 Support for young people such as hikikomori and NEETs  
5 About correspondence of the city staff in 100 million total active society  
6 Information boards installed by UR in the New Town area  
3 Okubo Morihisa 1 About progress management by PDCA cycle in various basic plans  
2 About support according to the needs of people with disabilities and their families  
3 About improvement of school lunch business  
4 About safety measures of school route of Inagi Daiichi Elementary School  
5 About maintenance of drainage function of schoolyard of elementary and junior high school  
6 About illuminance increase and energy saving promotion of public facilities by LED  
7 About how dog owners should be  
4 Toshiaki Ozawa 1 Expansion of the "Inagi City Folk Reference Room"  
2 About the “Inagi City” logotype (designed characters)  
3 Flood damage/flood countermeasures (irrigation channels/inland water flooding)  
4 About “minpaku” and “attraction of accommodation facilities”  
5 About safety measures at the Kamhirao three-way intersection and the intersection in front of Daigo Nursery School  
6 About the activity base facility of Okuhatayato Park in the Minamiyama land readjustment project area  
5 Eiji Ikeda 1 Promoting awareness, enlightenment, and collaboration on biodiversity  
2 Measures to prevent damage to consumers  
3 About the play park business  
4 Neagari of sidewalks and cycling roads  
5 Involvement in cycling in preparation for the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics  
6 Hisako Ichise 1 Citizen's Challenge to Reduce "Food Loss"  
2 Helicobacter pylori test to reduce the risk of developing stomach cancer  
3 About 18-year-old voting rights  
7 Takefumi Sakata 1 About approach of city accompanied with voting age reduction  
2 About improvement of citizen consultation  
3 Ensuring the safety of bicycle users  
4 About selection of school route  
8 Riki Watanabe 1 Solar outdoor lights installed in shelters  
2 Stockpiling at home  
3 About work efficiency  
4 Food education at nursery school  
5 About the role of the common kitchen  
6 Future city initiatives for the 2020 Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games  
9 Yukihiro Iwasa 1 About cycle station  
2 About the council for life support and preventive care services  
3 Regarding the maintenance of Inagi-Naganuma Station and Minami-Tama Station  
4 About the i bus  
10 Misako Kajiura 1 Further promotion and strengthening of suicide countermeasures  
2 Expansion of Employment of Persons with Disabilities in Public Facilities and Developing Suitable Work  
3 About working on setting of "common polling place (tentative name)" in front of station or commercial facility, shopping center for voter turnout improvement  
11 Youko Murakami 1 About "consultation desk of welfare living"  
2 Regarding Moral Education as a Subject  
3 About the setting situation of "everyone's restroom" of city elementary and junior high school  
12 Nakata 1 About the implementation situation of after-school child classroom  
2 About the results and challenges of the Inagi Housing Reform Coupon Project  
3 About the necessity of awareness reform of voluntary disaster prevention organizations  
13 Taichi Yamagishi 1 Constructing a community-based integrated care system that allows people to continue living with peace of mind  
2 About the sixth long-term care insurance plan  
3 About the maintenance plan under the elevated Nambu Line  
4 About rainwater drainage measures  
5 About "Nekatayato" and "Yomiuri Land Saka" high embankments  
6 Citizens' Conference for Studying Overseas Sister City Partnerships  
14 Manabu Okada 1 Unconstitutional Security-Related Laws (War Laws) Should be Abolished  
2 About i (ai) bus, improvement of route bus  
3 Concerning Nagamine's "Asuka Soken Inagi Office" construction plan problem  
4 Eliminate waiting lists for children at licensed nursery schools  
5 Child poverty measures  
6 Using the i (ai) plaza  
15 Akira Sasaki 1 About the “IkuBoss” Declaration by Inagi City Public Servants  
2 About Inagi Municipal Inagi Third Junior High School Gymnasium  
16 Hisaharu Enomoto 1 About promotion of dementia measure of Inagi-shi integrated community care system  
2 About safety management of playground equipment in the park  
3 About review route of i (ai) bus  
17 Ken Arai 1 Lifelong learning and social education in Inagi City  
2 About town development of security, relief  
3 About promotion and support of "regional town revitalization business" starting from each region  
4 About setting such as health promotion facilities (sports gym) to "Friend Hirao"  
5 Regarding the closure of the Keio Inagi Station store  
6 About invitation of store handling book, stationery in the city  
18 Aiko Fujiwara 1 About how parks should be in Inagi City  
2 Basic tourism plan (draft)  
3 About expansion of route bus in Inagi-shi  
4 About early improvement of i (ai) bus route  
19 Makoto Suzuki 1 About the city's efforts regarding disaster prevention in Inagi City (town development in preparation for a Tama earthquake)  
2 About the age of elementary and junior high schools in the city, future renovation and rebuilding plans  
3 Preservation of City Books, Local Materials, and Place Names  
4 About tourism promotion using sports-related events  
5 Regarding the opening of Hiraozakahama Routes 3, 4, and 17 tunnels and the surrounding maintenance of intersecting Gakuen-dori, etc.  

representative question

notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
1 New Government Council Takefumi Sakata (50 questions) 1 Going forward, there are concerns about the future of the Chinese economy and the US interest rate hikes.
2 What are your thoughts on terrorism and refugee issues around the world?
3 What is the mayor's view on the "New Three Arrows" proposed by the Abe Cabinet?
4 What is your view on the proactive promotion of future revenue and expenditure reforms?
5 What is Inagi City's commitment to the Olympic and Paralympic Games?
Efforts of Motoichi
6 Regarding the optimization of staff placement and the suppression of personnel expenses, the balance with citizen services is
7 Planned efforts for disaster prevention and mitigation measures
8 What are the prospects for securing new funding?
9 Basis and estimation of increase in taxpayers and capital gains
10 Relationship between standard financial demand and population growth
11 The contents of the favorable bond issuance borrowing
12 What is the status and amount of principal redemption of borrowings in FY2014?
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
13 About new approach and public expenditure of pregnant woman medical examination
14 How to promote effective cancer screening recommendations
15 About update of hospital function evaluation of municipal hospital
16 About improvement of quality of further medical field of municipal hospital
17 Efforts for elderly people with dementia and their families to live with peace of mind in familiar areas
18 What is the outline and purpose of the medical and nursing care service resource map?
19 How to proceed with creating a dementia care path
20 About the details of maintenance such as small-scale multifunctional type in-home care facilities
21 For details of the welfare-related warehouse under the elevated Nambu Line
22 Changes in the number of consultations to “Respo Inagi” and details
23 What is indirect social support such as employment of the elderly?
24 About the difference between the electronic maternal and child health handbook service and the service provided by the private sector and the timing of introduction
25 What is the emergency network for facilities where children spend time?
26 It is said that nursery schools, etc. will support their employees in obtaining nursery teacher qualifications, but what kind of support is it?
27 What is the expected effect of the increase in the number of children accepted by family welfare workers in Shiroyama Nursery School Minamiyama and the Yanoguchi area in reducing children on waiting lists?
28 What are your thoughts on building a comprehensive community care system?
29 What is the daily living area needs survey for the formulation of the 7th Inagi city long-term care insurance business plan?
30 Regarding the enhancement of the consultation system, it is said that health management support staff will be assigned, but what kind of expertise do they have?
Chapter 2 Development of a community with interaction that nurtures people and culture
31 Publicity and initiatives for the general public toward the implementation of the Olympic and Paralympic Games
32 About the selection criteria and effects of school social workers
33 Reasons why the school library revitalization promotion committee was decided to be placed in the whole school and why it was moved up one year
34 How will it change due to facility development and water supply construction accompanying the introduction of special needs classrooms?
35 Selection of members of the Inagi City Appropriate School District Review Committee
36 What is your view on the need to obtain reliable information while there is talk that Inagi City will be included in the bicycle road race course of the Olympic and Paralympic Games?
37 What is your view on the maintenance of night lighting for outdoor sports facilities in the city?
38 Maintenance and Utilization of Minamitama Sports Plaza
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
39 What are your thoughts on the exchange project with Soma City, Fukushima Prefecture?
Chapter 4 Eco-friendly and vibrant urban development
40 The contents of the support volunteer system
41 What is your opinion on Inagi transmission base pair terrace?
42 What are your thoughts on the installation location and installation of "Inagi Wi-Fi"?
Chapter 5 Creating a peaceful city surrounded by water and greenery
43 Regarding the schedule of the old super embankment C construction area in the area around Yanoguchi Station and the surrounding replotting and building relocation schedule
44 How to proceed with road maintenance in the Hyakuson section of the Tsurukawa Kaido?
45 What is your view on the implementation design for maintaining the pipe excavation that is the main irrigation canal?
46 The schedule for the detailed design of the Tamagawa Cycling Road is
Chapter 6 Community Development Together with Citizens
47 What is the background and purpose of enacting the city bird for the 45th anniversary of the city enforcement?
48 Efforts regarding the multilingualization of the city website
49 How do you think about cooperation between local governments?
50 Regarding employee health management, what are the city's measures to improve the workplace environment?
notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
2 Komeito Morihisa Okubo (44 questions) 1 Future Possibilities and Future Direction of the “Inagi Wi-Fi” Development Project
Efforts of Motoichi
2 Listening to the ingenuity of administrative management in efforts for major administrative projects in the long-term comprehensive plan
3 What are the specific efforts to achieve the goals of the Inagi City Town, People, and Job Revitalization Comprehensive Strategy?
4 About the active support plan for the areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
5 Efforts to increase the effectiveness of disaster mitigation in the event of a disaster, such as disaster drills
6 Specific measures for disaster prevention and mitigation plans that prioritize the safety of people vulnerable to disasters
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
7 Regarding implementation timing, contents, methods, etc. of pregnant woman health checkups with public expenditure items added
8 Recognition of the effectiveness of cancer screening, specific initiatives, and future directions
9 Prediction of the number of medical checkup recipients, expected effects, and ideas for dissemination and public relations
10 Specific contents of facility use subsidies and health maintenance for elderly medical insured persons
11 About plans and initiatives after the end of the Second Inagi Municipal Hospital Reform Plan
12 About the procedure and way of formulating the 3rd Inagi City Health and Welfare Comprehensive Plan
13 About the information posted on the medical and nursing care service resource map and how to use it
14 What are the specific operational aspects of support for home care?
15 Dementia Care Path Creation Procedures and Ideals, Efforts to be Implemented
16 Inquire about target areas and characteristics for the development of small-scale multi-functional in-home care facilities, etc.
17 Needs for “Respo Inagi”, city recognition, business content and effects
18 What is the content and effect of the service provided by the introduction of the electronic maternal and child health handbook?
19 I would like to ask about the specific mechanism for building an emergency communication network for facilities where children spend time.
20 Regarding the increase in the number of children accepted into childcare facilities, the actual use of home welfare workers, and the needs for an increase in the number of workers
21 Employment details of health management supporters, number of protected persons, and expected effects
22 Regarding the placement of life support coordinators, differences from the past, efforts and effects
Chapter 2 Development of a community with interaction that nurtures people and culture
23 Ask about specific business details regarding the enhancement of ESD
24 Ask about employment details of school social workers, cooperation with related organizations, and recognition of work to protect children
25 Efforts to increase the placement effect of school library activation promoters and the expected effects
26 Securing two tennis courts in the construction of large-scale renovation of the third junior high school building
27 Regarding the fourth elementary school roof waterproofing / exterior wall repair work, we will ask about the selection of waterproofing methods, etc.
28 Asking about the introduction of special support classrooms
29 Asking for opinions on the establishment and implementation of the Inagi Municipal School Appropriate School District Examination Committee
30 The after-school children's classroom management committee's cooperation and efforts with the region and faculty members
31 Fostering Momentum for the Olympic and Paralympic Games and Business Development for Sports Promotion
32 Asking about the management and operation of the Inagi Nagamine Sports Plaza
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
33 Efforts to promote friendship city exchange
34 Concrete measures such as drug supply at the time of disaster
Chapter 4 Eco-friendly and vibrant urban development
35 We ask about the views on the construction of a support volunteer system
36 Hear about the efforts and views on opening the Inagi Transmission Base Pair Terrace
37 Specific efforts to ensure consumer safety
Chapter 5 Creating a peaceful city surrounded by water and greenery
38 Asking for opinions on gratitude for the understanding and cooperation of the relevant rights holders in the land readjustment project
39 Listening to residents' explanations about the maintenance of the Sugebori and their views on how to proceed with public works
40 Efforts to disseminate and publicize the content of discussions at the Regional Public Transportation Conference
41 Inquiring about the views of the detailed design regarding the development of the Tamagawa Cycling Road
Chapter 6 Community Development Together with Citizens
42 It says that the city website will be multilingual, but what is your view on the major transformation of the city website, such as the creation of a smartphone-only site?
43 Future initiatives for the new public accounting system
44 Efforts and directions for employee health management and improvement of the working environment
notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
3 Manabu Okada, Japanese Communist Party (13 questions) 1 Question the mayor's political stance in the administrative policy
(1) Citizens' livelihood support under the continuation of severe living conditions
ah About recognition of citizen's living


Youth employment support
hare About activation of mall
(2) Citizens' livelihood support, realization of wishes for welfare and education, and future community development
ah About waiting list child cancellation of nursery school
stomach Expansion of Small Mathematics Classes to Elementary and Junior High Schools for All Grades
hare Expansion of 24-hour home visits
workman About maintenance of care facilities such as special nursing homes for the elderly
o About i (ai) bus improvement, increase in the number of flights
power About the development of Nanshan
tree About the fourth administrative reform
nine Life support, community development for welfare and disaster prevention
(3) Strengthening of disaster prevention measures
ah Continuing Efforts to Support Reconstruction in Areas Affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
stomach What are your thoughts on strengthening preventive measures such as disaster prevention and earthquake countermeasures?
notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
4 Kifukai Nakata (22 questions) 1 About the situation surrounding Inagi City
(1) What are your observations about global economic trends?
(2) What are your thoughts on sufficient vigilance against global affairs such as acts of terrorism?
(3) What are your observations about the outlook and response to the Japanese economy?
(4) What are your thoughts on a society where women, seniors, and people with disabilities can play an active role?
2 Outline of FY2016 budget
(1) About approach contents and result of administrative and financial reform
(2) We would like to ask about the criteria and reasons for judging that sound finances are being maintained despite a decrease in funds and an increase in municipal bonds.
(3) What are your policies and ideas regarding the selection of construction targets for large-scale repairs, etc.?
3 Details of measures in the FY2016 budget
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind  
(1) About method of development of the third Inagi-shi health general plan
(2) The significance and necessity of introducing the electronic maternal and child health handbook service
(3) Advantages and Necessity of Building Emergency Communication Networks for Children's Facilities
(4) Reasons for building the second elementary school after-school club
(5) Targets and Overview of the Daily Life Area Needs Survey
Chapter 2 About town development with contact that nurtures people and culture  
(1) Members of the Inagi Municipal School Appropriate School District Examination Committee and how to proceed with the examination
(2) Members and activities of the after school children's classroom management committee
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life  
(1) Ask about the specifics of the exchange between the fire brigade and Soma City.
(2) We would like to ask about the details of the efforts to supply medical supplies to medical aid stations.
Chapter 4 Environmentally friendly and vibrant community development
(1) Regarding the agricultural support volunteer system, I think that payment is suitable, but the city's response policy is
(2) Ask about the reasons and merits of implementing "Inagi Wi-Fi"
Chapter 5 About creating a peaceful town surrounded by water and greenery
(1) In the Inagi City Regional Public Transportation Conference, will the routes be coordinated between regions?
Chapter 6 About community development together with citizens
(1) Inquiring about the significance and selection procedure of the establishment of the "city bird"
(2) I would like to confirm the significance of changing the new public accounting system to national standards.
(3) In updating the resident information system, how to maintain the information system selection governance
notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
5 Yukihiro Iwasa (31 questions) Efforts of Motoichi
1 How will personnel expenses be controlled in the new fiscal year?
2 The fund is on the decline, but the city's idea is
3 What measures will be taken to create stable employment?
4 What are your thoughts on lower interest rates for bond issuance under the negative interest rate policy?
Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
5 About pregnant woman medical examination that examination items increased, concrete approach of city
6 Contents of cancer screening whose effectiveness has been established and the strengthening of its management
7 What kind of facilities are health promotion facilities for insured persons of medical care for the elderly?
8 Concrete efforts to improve customer satisfaction at municipal hospitals
9 Update of medical equipment, response to citizen needs, extension of life of facilities, etc.
10 What is the medical/nursing care service resource map?
11 What kind of issues are there in providing services according to the state of dementia?
12 How can we improve the consultation system for children and people with disabilities?
13 The city's view on dealing with potential waiting-list children
14 Asking about the city's views on the need for elderly people to be self-reliant
Chapter 2 Development of a community with interaction that nurtures people and culture
15 What does it mean to enhance Olympic and Paralympic education?
16 Regarding after-school measures for children, what is the city's view on cooperation with after-school clubs?
Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
17 What do you think about cooperation between communities and residents in the new town area in the future?
18 Opinions on making meeting facilities barrier-free and the aging of the Oshidate Community Hall
19 What is the content of the Ozora Town 10th Anniversary PR Exhibition?
20 How to deepen exchanges and cooperation with the fire brigade with Soma City
21 Regarding the equipment maintenance of the fire station, what is the difference from the current fire station?
Chapter 4 Eco-friendly and vibrant urban development
22 Regarding agricultural support, how to publicize securing and training human resources
23 What is the target generation and the content of the enlightenment materials for preventing damage to young people from malicious business practices?
Chapter 5 Creating a peaceful city surrounded by water and greenery
24 Ask about the schedule for early commercialization of the Tsurukawa Highway
25 Regarding the analysis and verification of the i (ai) bus usage, and how to disseminate the results
Chapter 6 Community Development Together with Citizens
26 On Citizen Participation in Enactment of City Birds and Utilization of City Birds
27 Hear about the adoption projects of the staff proposal system and its effects, and ask about the city's thoughts on improving the motivation of staff.
28 About placement to the city hall of security supervision manager, what kind of person do you place?
29 Regarding staff health management, how to improve the working environment
30 About improvement of convenience of page fund transfer reception desk service, idea of city
31 About financial soundness in the fourth long-term comprehensive plan, view of city
notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
6 Aiko Fujiwara, Association for Advancing Citizen Self-Government (20 questions)
1 I don't think there is movement in the Japanese economy to recover, but my perception is
2 What are your expectations for the implementation of the measures?
3 I think that the administrative policy should show an understanding of the current situation and a concrete stance on the issues.
4 About the efforts of Motoichi
(1) Is there a situation where an excessive burden is placed on staff due to an overemphasis on the amount of work in charge due to organizational reforms?
(2) In the 2016 budget, it was stated that the three basic points would be addressed, but the goal should be achieved in the contents of the "Fourth Inagi City Long-Term Comprehensive Plan", but there is no recognition.
(3) What are your thoughts on safety measures for high embankments in the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Area?
5 Chapter 1 Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
(1) Regarding the promotion of community welfare, countermeasures such as support for the elderly living alone should be implemented as soon as possible.
(2) Thoughts on the enhancement of post-natal counseling systems for mothers and children
(3) Recognition of cancellation of childcare waiting lists
(4) Recognition of low-income measures
6 Chapter 2 About town development with contact that nurtures people and culture
(1) Efforts and awareness to prevent children from becoming victims or perpetrators of crime
(2) I think it is important to work on citizen's sports promotion in line with the "Sports Promotion Plan", but I do not recognize it.
7 Chapter 3 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
(1) Recognition of providing further support for the activities of residents' associations
8 Chapter 4 Environmentally friendly and vibrant community development
(1) Recognition of further support for shopping districts
9 Chapter 5 About creating a peaceful town surrounded by water and greenery
(1) About promotion of software part as well as hardware measures such as promotion of land readjustment projects
(2) About attitude about improvement of i (ai) bus business
10 Chapter 6 About community development together with citizens
(1) The staff proposal system will be abolished, but how will you respond to efforts to strengthen the system for problem solving?
(2) About the system to prepare the physical and mental health management of each employee
(3) Strengthening of security associated with the introduction of convenience store issuance of personal number cards
(4) About the mayor's attitude toward collaboration with citizens
notification number

Name of faction Questioner number of questions

  Representative question item
7 Independent Democratic Club Akira Sasaki (10 questions) Community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
1 Ask about the details of the project to improve the cancer screening rate
2 The effect of creating a dementia care path
3 What is the difference between constructing an emergency communication network at a facility where children spend time and using it at a place where a disaster prevention wireless system is already installed?
4 The embodiment of the placement of health care support staff is
Creating a town with interaction that nurtures people and culture
5 How will we improve education for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics?
6 We asked about the selection of members of the after-school children's classroom management committee.
Eco-friendly and vibrant community development
7 About the training of the support volunteer system
8 About utilization of Inagi transmission base pair terrace
Peaceful city development surrounded by water and greenery
9 Ask why the Hirao Neighborhood Park is undergoing renovation work
Urban development that progresses together with citizens
10 About the current situation and effect of page fund transfer reception service

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 1 The regulations about collection of arrears pertaining to Inagi City non-tax income General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 2 Inagi City Consumer Affairs Center Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 3 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Administrative Procedure Ordinance, etc. General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 4 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fixed Asset Evaluation Review Committee Ordinance General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 5 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the publication of the status of management of Inagi City personnel administration, etc. General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 6 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding working hours, holidays, vacations, etc. of Inagi City employees General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 7 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on salaries for employees of Inagi City Prompt decision February 29, 2016 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 8 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on salaries for employees of Inagi City General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
9 Proposal No. 9 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding travel expenses for Inagi City officials General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
10 Proposal No. 10 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Small Business Loan Mediation Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
11 Proposal No. 11 The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about the limit of the building in the area of the Inagi city district plan Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
12 Proposal No. 12 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fire Brigade Ordinance General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
13 Proposal No. 13 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fire Prevention Ordinance General Affairs Committee  March 28, 2016 Draft approved
14 Proposal No. 14 FY2015 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 5) Prompt decision February 29, 2016 Draft approved
15 Proposal No. 15 FY2015 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 6) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2016 Draft approved
16 Proposal No. 16 2015 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2016 Draft approved
17 Proposal No. 17 2015 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) Prompt decision February 29, 2016 Draft approved
18 Proposal No. 18 2015 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2016 Draft approved
19 Proposal No. 19 Fiscal 2015 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Prompt decision February 29, 2016 Draft approved
20 Proposal No. 20 2015 Tokyo Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2016 Draft approved
21 Proposal No. 21 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
22 Proposal No. 22 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
23 Proposal No. 23 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
24 Proposal No. 24 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Sewerage Business Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
25 Proposal No. 25 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
26 Proposal No. 26 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
27 Proposal No. 27 FY2016 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget budget special committee March 28, 2016 Draft approved
28 Proposal No. 28 Member of Tokyo Municipal Assembly Member of Official Business Accident Compensation Cooperative Agreement Prompt decision February 29, 2016 Draft approved
29 Proposal No. 29 Terms to change a part of the Tokyo Metropolitan Association for Medical Care for the Advanced Elderly Prompt decision February 29, 2016 Draft approved

bill submitted by a member of the Diet

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation result Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 1 Opinion requesting drastic strengthening of measures to prevent child abuse Prompt decision March 28, 2016 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 2 Letter of Opinion Requesting Legislation for Promotion of Removal of Utility Poles Prompt decision March 28, 2016 Draft approved

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

Chairman Takefumi Sakata
Vice-chairman Toshiaki Ozawa
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Yoko Murakami, Chikako Ito, Kenji Nakayama, Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
January 29, 2016 1 About Inagi city hall arson case verification report (draft)
2 About maintenance work such as city hall parking lots
3 Regarding the expansion of "public information Inagi and city homepages (Internet media such as WEB)" that citizens want to read and see way)
February 9, 2016 1 Review progress of the Inagi City Overseas Sister City Tie-Up Citizens Conference
2 About administrative reform outline and implementation plan
3 About revision of Inagi City regional disaster prevention plan
February 15, 2016 1 About setting of school road security camera
March 9, 2016 1 Bill No. 1: Inagi City Ordinance on Collection of Delinquency Charges for Non-Tax Income
2 Proposal No. 3 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Administrative Procedure Ordinance, etc.
3 Proposal No. 4 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fixed Asset Evaluation Review Committee Ordinance
4 Proposal No. 5 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding the publication of the status of management of Inagi City personnel administration, etc.
5 Proposal No. 6 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding working hours, holidays, vacations, etc. of Inagi City employees
6 Proposal No. 8 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the salary of general staff of Inagi City
7 Proposal No. 9 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding travel expenses for Inagi City employees
8 Proposal No. 12 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fire Brigade Ordinance
9 Proposal No. 13 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fire Prevention Ordinance
10 Requests for continued research during closing

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Chair Nakata Nakata
Vice ChairmanHisaharu Enomoto
Members Akira Sasaki, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Eiji Ikeda, Hiromi Tsunoji

date Examination (investigation) items
February 12, 2016 1 About progress to affect construction of community inclusion care system
2 About the progress toward formulating the Inagi City medical plan
3 About construction such as Inagi Municipal Inagi third junior high school school building large-scale repair
4 Outline of the Inagi City Sports Promotion Plan (Draft)
5 Efforts for home medical care and long-term care cooperation
March 10, 2016 1 Requests for continued research during closing

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonKen Arai
Vice Chairman Manabu Okada
Committee members Makoto Suzuki, Hisako Ichise, Morihisa Okubo, Kenichi Kitahama, Riki Watanabe

date Examination (investigation) items
February 2, 2016 1 Public Opinion Public Opinion for Inagi City Tourism Basic Plan (Draft)
2 Announcement of the Development Policy for Urban Planning Roads in Tokyo (Fourth Commercialization Plan) (Draft)
3 About barbecue correspondence in Inagi City Park
4 About the second review situation of bus public transport
5 About the enactment of the Inagi City Town Development Ordinance
March 11, 2016 1 Proposal No. 2 Inagi City Consumer Affairs Center Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 10 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Small Business Loan Mediation Ordinance
3 Proposal No. 11 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding restrictions on buildings within the area of the Inagi City district plan
4 Requests for continued research during closing
5 Dispatch of committee members during closing

Assembly Steering Committee (8 members)

ChairmanKenichi Kitahama
Vice Chairman Hiromi Tsunoji
Members Hisaharu Enomoto, Akira Sasaki, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Takefumi Sakata, Makoto Suzuki

date Examination (investigation) items
February 18, 2016 1 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the next regular assembly
2 Others
March 3, 2016 1 About member of the Diet submission bill
2 Requests for continued research during closing
March 8, 2016 1 Notification and order of debate
March 28, 2016 1 Notification and order of debate
2 Requests for continued research during closing

Special Budget Committee (21 members)

Chairman Morihisa Okubo
Vice ChairmanRiki Watanabe
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Hisaharu Enomoto, Yoko Murakami, Akira Sasaki, Chikako Ito, Ken Arai, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi,
Manabu Okada, Takefumi Sakata, Eiji Ikeda, Naka Nakada, Makoto Suzuki, Hisako Ichise, Hiromi Tsunoji, Toshiaki Ozawa,
Kenichi Kitahama, Kenji Nakayama, Misako Kajiura

date Examination (investigation) items
February 25, 2016 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 8, 2016 1 (Budget Special Committee Board)
About examination method of budget special committee
March 14, 2016 (Summary question)
1 Proposal No. 21 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget
2 Proposal No. 22 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 23 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 24 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
5 Proposal No. 25 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
6 Proposal No. 26 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
7 Proposal No. 27 Fiscal Year 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget (General Affairs Subcommittee)
1 Mutual selection of chief examiners
2 Mutual selection of vice-chairpersons (Welfare Education Subcommittee)
1 Mutual selection of chief examiners
2 Mutual selection of vice-chairs (Construction Environment Subcommittee)
1 Mutual selection of chief examiners
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 15, 2016 (General Affairs Subcommittee)
1 Proposal No. 21: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Planning Department of the 2016 Inagi City general account budget
2 Proposal No. 22: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Department, Accounting Division, Fire Department Headquarters, Audit Committee and Election Commission of the 2016 Inagi City General Account Budget
March 16, 2016 (Welfare Education Subcommittee)
1 Proposal No. 21: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Welfare Department of the 2016 Inagi City general account budget in Tokyo
2 Proposal No. 25 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City Long-term Care Insurance Special Account Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
3 Proposal No. 21: The part related to the jurisdiction of the Board of Education of the 2016 Inagi City general account budget
4 Proposal No. 27 Fiscal Year 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget
March 17, 2016 (Construction Environment Subcommittee)
1 Proposal No. 21: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Citizens Department and the Agriculture Committee of the 2016 Inagi City general account budget
2 Proposal No. 22 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 26 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 21: The portion of the 2016 Inagi City general account budget pertaining to the jurisdiction of the Urban Construction Department
5 Proposal No. 23 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
6 Proposal 24 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
March 25, 2016 (Each subcommittee review report, vote)
1 Proposal No. 21 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget
2 Proposal No. 22 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 23 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 24 Fiscal 2016 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
5 Proposal No. 25 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
6 Proposal No. 26 Fiscal 2016 Inagi City Medical Care Special Account Budget for the latter-stage elderly
7 Proposal No. 27 FY2016 Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

ChairpersonRiki Watanabe
Vice ChairpersonHisako Ichise
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Yoko Murakami, Akira Sasaki, Aiko Fujiwara, Taichi Yamagishi, Eiji Ikeda, Nakata Naka, Morihisa Okubo

date Examination (investigation) items
February 25, 2016 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 1, 2016 1 Proposal No. 15 2015 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 6)
2 Proposal No. 16 2015 Inagi City, Tokyo National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)
3 Proposal No. 18 Fiscal 2015 Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4)
4 Proposal No. 20 2015 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)

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Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111