Inagi City

2014 3rd regular meeting

Last updated: October 6, 2014

We publish session schedule, general question, bill deliberation result, committee examination (investigation) matter of 2014 third Inagi-shi assembly regular session.

Assembly Secretariat Proceedings (ext. 415)

When you want to look at the bill of the 2014 third regular meeting, please click the following title.

2014 3rd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

From September 1, 2014 to September 30 (30 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
September 1st Monday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, bill explanations
September 2nd Tuesday (recess) (Date of scrutiny of bills)
September 3rd Wednesday 9:30 am plenary session Proposals (excluding supplementary budgets, settlement of accounts, immediate resolutions) questions and referrals
Proposal (supplementary budget, settlement of accounts) Q&A, special committee establishment, referral
Prompt Resolution Question and Answer, Debate, Voting
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget and Settlement Special Committee
September 4 Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
September 5th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee
September 6th Saturday (adjournment)  
September 7 Sunday (adjournment)  
September 8 Monday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 11 to 15) 
September 9 Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session General Questions (Nos. 16-18) 
September 10th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
September 11th Thursday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
September 12 Friday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee
September 13 Saturday (adjournment)  
September 14th Sunday (adjournment)  
September 15th Monday (adjournment) (Respect for the Aged Day)
September 16th Tuesday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
September 17th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Accounting Special Committee
September 18th Thursday 9:30 am Committee Accounting Special Committee
September 19th Friday 9:30 am Committee Accounting Special Committee
September 20 Saturday (adjournment)  
September 21st Sunday (adjournment)  
September 22nd Monday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
September 23rd Tuesday (adjournment) (Autumn Equinox)
September 24th Wednesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
September 25th Thursday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
September 26th Friday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
September 27 Saturday (adjournment)  
September 28th Sunday (adjournment)  
September 29th Monday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
September 30 Tuesday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposal, petition committee report, discussion, vote

General question

Notification number family name Question items (18 people, 81 items)             remarks
1 Ito Chikako 1 About prenatal and postnatal care
2 Subsidies for infertility treatment
3 About pneumococcal vaccination in the elderly
4 Efforts for rubella vaccination and antibody testing related to congenital rubella syndrome
5 Revision of the long-term care insurance system
6 Improving the quality of classes in elementary and junior high schools
7 Promoting the creation of schools that coexist with the community
2 Okubo Morihisa 1 Planned installation of street security cameras in shopping districts, station areas, parks, public halls, etc.
2 Exchanges with disaster-stricken areas and disaster prevention education and disaster drills through collaboration between schools and local communities
3 Implementation and disclosure of high-quality Saturday classes
About school building large-scale repair and extension of 4 Inagi third Elementary School
5 Review of milk handling in elementary and junior high school lunches
6 Regarding the establishment of a new permanent exhibition venue for paintings and calligraphy
7 Strengthening measures against open burning
3 Yukihiro Iwasa 1 Ensuring safety around Minamitama Station
2 About making government buildings easier to use
3 About improving owner's manners
4 Attracting companies
5 About the use of mobile phones in hospitals
4 Hiromi Tsunoji 1 Further Promotion of Mental Health Courses
2 Introduction of Mobile Baby Station
About common knowledge of toll-free number of 3 disaster prevention administration radio telephone service
4 Drug education at Inagi Elementary and Junior High Schools
5 About the challenge day of a sporting event in which all residents participate
5 Machiko Igawa 1 Strengthening regional medical cooperation
2 Utilization of the Environmental Learning Center
3 Future measures for i-Bus and fixed-route buses
4 Enhancing consumer education
6 Hiroshi Sawaki 1 Concrete implementation of community-based integrated care
2 Regarding the improvement of citizen services and the improvement of the working environment for city officials
3 About preventing inappropriate drinking
7 Takefumi Sakata 1 Regarding disaster agreements with private organizations in the event of a large-scale disaster
2 Regarding children whose residence status cannot be ascertained
3 Promotion of maintenance of Tsurukawa Highway
4 About the renovation work of the Environmental Learning Center
8 Watanabe Tatsuya 1 About medical checkups
2 About missing children in Inagi City
3 City owned vehicles
4 About Route 19 in front of City Hall
9 Nakata 1 About the implementation status of after-school children's classes during the summer vacation
2 Provision of a forum for cooperation and discussion between i Plaza and the community
3 Prevention of smoking while walking
4 About equipment repair at elementary and junior high schools in the Wakabadai district
10 Riki Watanabe 1 About children entering nursery schools
2 About environmental beautification citizen movement
3 Regarding sunshade measures for sports facilities
4 About the city's response to tornado warning information
11 Manabu Okada 1 Efforts to prevent deterioration of services by reviewing outpatient care and home-visit care used by people requiring support covered by long-term care insurance
2 Enhancement of i-Bus that makes it easier for citizens to use
3 Eliminate waiting lists for children at licensed nursery schools
4 About the renovation of the central public hall
5 About maintenance of Hirao Neighborhood Park
12 Kuniko Endo 1 Construction of high embankment in Nanzan development and securing safety of school route of (provisional name) Nanzan Elementary School
2 About support for early installation of MCA disaster prevention administrative radio that allows communication with the city in the event of an earthquake at licensed nursery schools that are not designated as evacuation centers
3 About after-school children's classes at elementary schools
4 Regarding the placement of library promoters
5 Promotion of Peace Education in Inagi City
6 Soil survey on radioactivity in Inagi City
13 click on Misako Kajiura for videos 1 About promotion of my nursery school business and pregnant woman childcare (childcare/childcare) experience business at nursery school
2 Regarding the i-Bus review route (draft) and the immediate establishment of private bus routes from the new town district (Wakabadai, Nagamine, Koyodai districts) to Minamitama Station, Inagi Naganuma Station, and other inner city stations on the Nambu Line.
3 Regarding the installation of public toilets along the Misawa River in the Sakahama area
4 About the Direct Carry-in System for Oversized Garbage
5 Promoting waste reduction and recycling by remaking old umbrella cloth and fabric
14 Yasuyuki Kawashima 1 About the new child and child-rearing support system
2 About agriculture in Inagi City
3 About Inagi Municipal Inagi First Elementary School
15 Ken Arai 1 Strengthening measures to protect citizens from damage caused by torrential rain
2 Nanzan community development from the perspective of residents
3 Regarding the maintenance of the city bus transportation network from the standpoint of users and citizens
4 Promotion of tourism administration utilizing the traditions and culture of Inagi City
5 Various problems associated with the abolition of Hirao Sports Square
6 Names of residential areas for sale in Kamhirao community development
16 Kenichi Kitahama 1 Regarding traffic safety measures around Minamitama Station
2 Measures against heavy rain
17 Mihoko Nakamura 1 Toward further enhancement of cancer control
2 Strengthening efforts to prevent abuse
18 Makoto Suzuki 1 About the city's efforts related to disaster prevention in Inagi City
2 Measures for steep slope areas
3 About the importance of improving the academic ability of public junior high schools in the city
4 Improving cultural and sports skills of Inagi citizens
5 Efforts to revitalize housing complexes

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 49 Ordinance that establishes confirmation standards for the operation of Inagi City specific education and childcare facilities and specific regional childcare services Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 50 Inagi City Ordinances Establishing Approval Criteria Concerning Equipment and Operation of Homely Childcare Businesses, etc. Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 51 Ordinance that establishes standards for the facilities and operation of Inagi City after-school clubs Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 52 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Staff Regulations General Affairs Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 53 Ordinance to abolish the ordinance on childcare at Inagi City Nursery School Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 54 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance for Establishing Inagi City School Children's Club Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 55 The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about the limit of the building in the area of the Inagi city district plan Construction Environment Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 56 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi Municipal School Establishment Ordinance Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
9 Proposal No. 57 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Sports Facility Ordinance Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
10 Proposal No. 58 About authorization of fiscal year 2013 Inagi-shi, Tokyo general account revenue expenditure settlement of accounts Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
11 Proposal No. 59 About certification of fiscal year 2013 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
12 Proposal No. 60 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Revenue and Expenditures Certification Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
13 Proposal No. 61 About authorization of fiscal year 2013 Inagi-shi, Tokyo sewer business special account revenue annual expenditure settlement of accounts Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
14 Proposal No. 62 About authorization of fiscal year 2013 Tokyo Inagi-shi long-term care insurance special account revenue annual expenditure settlement of accounts Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
15 Proposal No. 63 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account for the Elderly, Revenue and Expenditures Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
16 Proposal No. 64 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital business accounting settlement certification Accounting Special Committee September 30, 2014 Certification
17 Proposal No. 65 FY2014 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
18 Proposal No. 66 2014 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
19 Proposal No. 67 2014 Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
20 Proposal No. 68 2014 Inagi City, Tokyo Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee September 30, 2014 Draft approved
21 Proposal No. 69 Appointment of Inagi City Fixed Asset Evaluation Review Committee Members Prompt decision September 3, 2014 consent
22 Proposal No. 70 Appointment of Inagi City Fixed Asset Evaluation Review Committee Members Prompt decision September 3, 2014 consent
23 Proposal No. 71 Appointment of Inagi City Fixed Asset Evaluation Review Committee Members Prompt decision September 3, 2014 consent
24 Proposal No. 72 Nomination of Human Rights Commissioner Candidates Prompt decision September 3, 2014 consent
25 Proposal No. 73 Appointment of Inagi City Board of Education Prompt decision September 3, 2014 consent

administrative report

NO report number Report name
1 Report No. 5 Regarding the report on the ratio of judgments for restoration to soundness
2 Report No. 6 About reporting the funding deficit ratio
3 Report No. 7 About the report of the Sentenshi disposition
4 Report No.8 Report on the operation status of the 2013 Inagi City National Health Insurance high-cost medical care expense loan fund
5 Report No.9 2013 Inagi City long-term care insurance high-cost long-term care service costs, etc. report on the operational status of the loan fund
6 Report No. 10 Report on the operation status of the 2013 Inagi city medical care for the elderly high-cost medical expenses loan fund


No Receipt number petition name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 8 Petition for Submission of Opinion Requesting Enactment of Sign Language Law Welfare Education Committee September 30, 2014 adoption
2 Petition No. 9 Petition to submit a statement of opinion to the government to ``suspend the restart of nuclear power plants'' General Affairs Committee September 30, 2014 Rejected
3 Petition No. 10 A petition to submit a written opinion requesting the withdrawal of the consumption tax increase General Affairs Committee September 30, 2014 Rejected

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonTatsuya Watanabe
Vice Chair Nakata Nakata
Committee Members Ken Arai, Chikako Ito, Hiroshi Sawaki, Shigeru Harashima, Etsuo Harada

date Examination (investigation) items
August 1, 2014 1 Status of achievement of the Fourth Administrative Reform Outline and Implementation Plan by the end of FY2013
2 Inagi City Finance White Paper (Fiscal year 2012 settlement)
3 Regarding the formulation of the “Inagi City Pandemic Influenza Countermeasure Action Plan”
About addition of menu (use) of 4 I (ai) town Inagi support donations
5 Regarding the setting of the minimum price limit
6 About the basic design (draft) of the new firefighting branch office construction
7 About the plan of the firefighting system of the fire station
8 Renewal of Firefighting Emergency Command Facility and Firefighting Digital Radio Equipment
9 Fire Brigade No. 2 Staff Room Reconstruction Construction Detailed Design
10 Future Public-Private Partnership in Inagi City
September 11, 2014 1 Proposal No. 52 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance on the Fixed Number of Inagi City Employees
2 Petition No. 9 Petition to the national government requesting the submission of a written opinion on ``stopping the restart of nuclear power plants''
3 Petition No. 10 A petition requesting submission of a written opinion requesting the withdrawal of the consumption tax increase
4 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

ChairpersonMorihisa Okubo
Vice Chair Yukihiro Iwasa
Committee members Kuniko Endo, Mihoko Nakamura, Riki Watanabe, Machiko Igawa, Shigeo Tanaka

date Examination (investigation) items
July 30, 2014 1 Expansion of UNESCO Associated Schools and ESD (Education for Sustainable Development)
August 8, 2014 1 Regarding unified rules for welfare facility names

2 Regarding the Tokyo Metropolitan Housing Supply Corporation's approach to facility development related to the former Hirao Sewage Treatment Plant site
3 Regarding insufficient payment of nursing care insurance premium refund supplement
4 Regarding insufficient payment of childcare center management fee collection (childcare fee) refund supplement
5 Regarding the progress in the formulation of the second Inagi City Educational Promotion Basic Plan
6 Regarding the decision on the school name proposal for the new elementary school in 2015
7 Regarding Inagi City Central Community Center Hall renovation policy
8 (tentative name) Regarding the use of the Nagamine sports facility attached multipurpose plaza (planned)
9 Regarding the closure of Hirao Sports Square
10 Current status of Inagi City Hospital and progress of the “Second Inagi City Hospital Reform Plan”
September 12, 2014 1 Proposal No. 49 Ordinance to establish confirmation standards for the operation of Inagi City specific education and childcare facilities and specific regional childcare services
2 Proposal No. 50 Inagi City Ordinance that establishes approval standards for facilities and operation of home-style childcare businesses, etc.
3 Proposal No. 51 Ordinance to establish standards for facilities and operation of Inagi City after-school clubs
4 Proposal No. 53 Ordinance to abolish the ordinance on childcare at Inagi City nursery schools
5 Proposal No. 54 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance for the Establishment of Inagi City Schoolchildren's Club
6 Proposal No. 56 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City School Establishment Ordinance
7 Proposal No. 57 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Sports Facility Ordinance
8 Petition No. 8 Petition for Submission of Opinion Requesting Enactment of Sign Language Law
9 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

ChairmanKenichi Kitahama
Vice Chairman Manabu Okada
Members Misako Kajiura, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Takefumi Sakata, Makoto Suzuki, Hiromi Tsunoji

date Examination (investigation) items
July 28, 2014 1 Efforts toward regional revitalization using Inagi City's official image character "Inagi Nashinosuke"
August 7, 2014 1 Regarding the designation of conservation areas for green spaces in Tama City and Inagi City
2 About iBus route change
3 About JR Nambu Line underpass usage basic policy (sonning)
4 Regarding the development of tourism transmission bases (draft)
5 Insufficient payment of refunds for National Health Insurance taxes and medical insurance premiums for the elderly aged 75 or over
September 16, 2014 1 Proposal No. 55 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning restrictions on buildings within the area of the Inagi City district plan
2 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
3 Dispatch of committee members during closing

Assembly Steering Committee (7 members)

Chair Shigeru Harashima
Vice Chairman Misako Kajiura
Committee members Kuniko Endo, Tatsuya Watanabe, Riki Watanabe, Nakata Naka, Machiko Igawa

date Examination (investigation) items
August 11, 2014 1 Efficiency of parliamentary administration
August 25, 2014 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the first regular assembly
September 5, 2014 1 About bills submitted by members of the Diet
2 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
3 Dispatch of committee members during closing
September 30, 2014 1 Notification and order of debate
2 About bills submitted by members of the Diet
3 About the petition
4 Dispatch of Diet members during closing
5 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

Chairman Shigeo Tanaka
Vice Chair Hiromi Tsunoji
Committee members Manabu Okada, Misako Kajiura, Chikako Ito, Tatsuya Watanabe, Takefumi Sakata,
Naka Nakata, Morihisa Okubo, Kenichi Kitahama

date Examination (investigation) items
September 3, 2014 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
September 10, 2014 1 Proposal No. 65 2014 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)
2 Proposal No. 66 2014 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
3 Proposal No. 67 2014 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
4 Proposal No. 68 2014 Inagi City, Tokyo Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)

Accounting Special Committee (10 members)

Committee Chair Hiroshi Sawaki
Vice-chairman Riki Watanabe
Committee members Kuniko Endo, Ken Arai, Mihoko Nakamura, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Yukihiro Iwasa,
Makoto Suzuki, Machiko Igawa, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
September 3, 2014 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
September 17, 2014 1 Proposal No. 58 Approval of 2013 Inagi City General Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement (1) Part related to the jurisdiction of the Planning Department (2) Jurisdiction of the General Affairs Department, Accounting Division, Fire Department Headquarters, Audit Committee and Election Commission Part related to (3) Part related to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Welfare
September 18, 2014 1 Proposal No. 58 Approval of fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement (4) Part concerning the jurisdiction of the Citizens Department and the Agriculture Committee (5) Part concerning the jurisdiction of the Urban Construction Department (6) Board of Education Part related to jurisdiction
September 19, 2014 [Jurisdiction of Civic Affairs Department]
1 Proposal No. 59 Regarding the certification of fiscal 2013 revenue and expenditure settlement of the Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account, Tokyo
2 Proposal No. 63 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account for the Elderly Medical Care Revenues and Expenditures Certification [Jurisdiction of the Welfare Department]
3 Proposal No. 62 2013 Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Revenue and Expenditures Certification [Jurisdiction of the City Construction Department]
4 Proposal No. 60 Regarding the certification of fiscal year 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement
5 No. 61 Proposal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Authorization [Jurisdiction of Municipal Hospital]
6 Proposal No. 64 Regarding the certification of fiscal year 2013 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Settlement

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Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111