Inagi City

2013 1st regular meeting

Last updated: March 29, 2013

 Contains the session schedule, general question items, representative question items, results of bill deliberations, committee examination (investigation) items, etc. of the 1st Inagi City Council regular meeting in 2013.

Congress Secretariat Minutes Section (extension 415)

2013 1st Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

February 26 to March 28, 2013 (31 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
February 26th Tuesday 9:30 plenary session Administrative reports, administrative policies
Explanation of proposals (excluding initial and supplementary budgets),
Supplementary budget explanation, Q&A, Supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral
Initial budget explanation, budget special committee establishment, referral
Questions, discussions, and votes on bills submitted by members of the Diet
plenary session break Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
After the plenary session Committee Special Budget Committee   
February 27 Wednesday  (recess)   
February 28th Thursday 9:30 Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
March 1st Friday 9:30 plenary session Representative question
March 2 Saturday  (recess)   
March 3rd Sunday  (recess)   
March 4th Monday 9:30 plenary session Proposals (excluding initial and supplementary budgets) questioning, referral, discussion, voting
Jurisdiction investigation report, petition / petition referral
March 5th Tuesday 9:30 plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee (investigation) 
March 6 Wednesday 9:30 plenary session General questions (No. 6 to 10) 
March 7 Thursday 9:30 plenary session General questions (No. 11 to 15) 
March 8 Friday 9:30 plenary session General questions (No. 16-17) 
Supplementary Budget Special Committee Report, Debate, Voting
After the plenary session Board of directors Budget Task Force Board  
March 9 Saturday  (recess)   
March 10 Sunday  (recess)   
March 11 Monday 9:30 Committee General Affairs Committee
March 12th Tuesday 9:30 Committee Welfare Education Committee
March 13th Wednesday 9:30 Committee Construction Environment Committee
March 14th Thursday 9:30 Committee Special Budget Committee (general question and answer session, establishment of subcommittees)
After committee Subcommittee General affairs subcommittee (director and vice chairpersons are mutually elected)  
After the breakout session Subcommittee Welfare and education subcommittee 
After the breakout session Subcommittee Construction Environment Subcommittee
March 15th Friday 9:30 Subcommittee General Affairs Subcommittee
March 16th Saturday  (recess)   
March 17th Sunday  (recess)   
March 18th Monday 9:30 Subcommittee Welfare Education Subcommittee
March 19th Tuesday 9:30 Subcommittee Construction Environment Subcommittee
March 20th Wednesday recess (Vernal Equinox Day)
March 21st Thursday 9:30 Committee Member of the Diet fixed number investigation special committee 
March 22 Friday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 23rd Saturday  (recess)   
March 24th Sunday  (recess)   
March 25th Monday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 26th Tuesday  (recess)  (committee/subcommittee report organization)
March 27 Wednesday 9:30 Committee Special Budget Committee (subcommittee report, vote)
March 28th Thursday 9:30 Committee Assembly Steering Committee  
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposal, petition/petition committee report discussion, voting

General question

Notification number Family name Question items (17 people, 86 items)            remarks
1 Yukihiro Iwasa
1 About corporal punishment of teachers 2 About mental illness of teachers 3 About road handling during snowfall 4 About ensuring traffic safety at Keio Yomiuri Land Station 5 About ensuring safety of commuting to school due to change of school zone at Koyodai 6 Nambu Line Regarding the elevation of
2 Ito Chikako
1 About ensuring a safe and secure water supply 2 About issuing copies of resident records at convenience stores 3 About reducing garbage 4 About prohibiting the installation of disposers 5 About discontinuing Japanese encephalitis vaccination 6 About measures against hepatitis virus 7 Rubella outbreak 8 Regarding corporal punishment in schools, etc. 9 Towards the enhancement of special needs classes
3 Kenji Nakayama
1 About the JR Nambu Line continuous grade separation project 2 About the city planning road Tama 3, 4, 17 Sakahama Hirao Line 3 About the city planning road Tama 3, 4, 36 Odarakami Hirao Line 4 Road improvement plan for the Sakahama Nishi district about
4 Hiromi Tsunoji
1 About gender equality for men 2 About cleaning up Inagi City 3 About the anti-allergy “EpiPen” 4 About making road bridges earthquake resistant 5 About development of the Koyodai area 6 About infertility 7 About voluntary disaster prevention organizations
5 Hiroshi Sawaki  
1 About the progress of the Nambu Line elevated railway project and the use of underpasses 3 About support for reconstruction of eastern Japan 4 About being a municipal hospital that puts patients and citizens first 5 About obtaining Safe Community certification that helps create a safe and secure town
6 Nakata Middle School  
1 About efforts to improve citizens' disaster prevention capabilities 2 About school lunch issues at municipal elementary and junior high schools and future responses
7 Okubo Morihisa
1 Regarding the expansion of school library utilization education 2 Regarding further promotion of green space conservation 3 Regarding traffic safety measures at Yanoguchi Bridge intersection on Yomiuri Land Street 4 Regarding ensuring safe and secure lives for citizens through proper management of vacant houses, etc. 5 Quickly and accurately About efforts to communicate disaster information to citizens 6 About aiming to become a city hospital that does not refuse emergency outpatient visits to citizens
8 Watanabe Tatsuya
1 About local government employee salary reductions 2 About local government employee retirement allowances 3 About receiving welfare benefits 4 About telephone equipment at city hall and municipal elementary and junior high schools 5 About the landscape around the Clean Center Tamagawa River 6 About the school lunch communal kitchen 7 About the director's manifesto 8 About Inagi City's About firefighting
9 Takefumi Sakata
1 About greenery measures 2 About the former site of the recycling shop 3 About the development of the Hyakumura section of Tsurukawa Kaido
10 Riki Watanabe
1 About efforts to eliminate childcare waiting lists at nursery schools 2 About disaster prevention education 3 About efforts at “Inagi Nashinosuke”
11 Manabu Okada
1. Eliminating waiting lists for children at daycare centers 2. Towards the enhancement of i-bus services 3. Enhancing childcare for sick and convalescent children
12 Kuniko Endo
1 Measures to protect the lives and health of children from internal exposure to radioactivity 2 Disaster prevention measures 3 Issues related to elementary and junior high schools in the city 5 Measures to prevent isolated and lonely deaths in Inagi City
13 Machiko Igawa
1 About promoting the smart city plan in the land readjustment project 2 About holding the 60th birthday ceremony 3 About eliminating traffic congestion on Hirao Chuo Dori (toward Shin-Yurigaoka) 4 About road maintenance on Hirao Chuo Dori 5 Firefighters Regarding the establishment of branch offices of the headquarters 6 Regarding securing food for staff during disasters
14 Mihoko Nakamura
1 Regarding inappropriate administration of antipsychotic drugs, etc. to elderly people with dementia in nursing care facilities 2 About support for children with developmental disabilities 3 About support for children who do not go to school 4 About support for households on welfare 5 Tama About the Nanbu Adult Guardianship Center 6 Hear about the city's efforts to prevent accidents related to allergies in school lunches
15 click on Misako Kajiura for videos
1 Regarding the operational status of Health Plaza and further operational collaboration with Inagi City Hospital, etc. 2 Regarding the installation of information signs for Inagi no Nashi/Grape tourism and the “Inagi Nashi/Grape tourism information concierge (tentative name)” 3 Wakabadai town development and various issues about
16 Ken Arai
1 Inagi City's awareness and response to the Tachikawa Fault Zone survey results and the approaching major earthquake 2 Concerning the construction of high embankments in the eastern part of Nanzan land readjustment project 3 Inagi City's monitoring system to prevent isolation, lonely deaths, forced mental illness, etc. Regarding further reinforcement 4 Regarding resolving traffic congestion on Hirao Chuo-dori Street
17 Makoto Suzuki
1 About the city's efforts related to disaster prevention in Inagi City 2 About preventive medical care and health promotion 3 About respite care (hospitalization) 4 About display ideas in the local resource room and operation of using old folk houses 5 About Zelkova roadside trees in the Hirao district 6 Tenjin About street maintenance

representative question

Notification number Party name Representative question item
1 Kenichi Kitahama 1 Evaluation of “Abenomics”
2 Concerning views on having a proper view of the nation in diplomatic strategy
3 Impact of Tokyo's first budget increase in five years on the city's budget
4 Points to note for new projects and upgraded projects in budget compilation
5 Regarding cooperation between the national government, the capital, and Inagi City in promoting community development
6 Regarding the mayor's view on the government's request for a reduction in the salaries of local public servants
7 On the impact of special subsidies for urgent issues premised on national salary cuts
8 Follow-up for dispatched staff for disaster area support
9 About the concept for the operation of the city hospital as a whole
10 Concrete efforts to increase the number of medical checkup patients at municipal hospitals
11 About the city's position on child development issues
12 Regarding the plan to establish a collegial body for the formulation of the Child and Childrearing Support Act
13 Regarding the city's views on eliminating childcare waiting lists
14 Regarding further elimination of waitlisted children for after-school clubs
15 About the Second Fundamental Education Plan
16 Future efforts to address the “bullying” problem
17 About Inagi Fureai Forest
18 Summary of 10 years of Inagi IC College and the future
19 Regarding future policies for buildings that convey the history of the city
20 Future initiatives and issues for the 68th National Athletic Meet
21 Regarding cooperation with Kawasaki City in the walking map walking project
22 Regarding the city's view on incorporating the opinions of citizens and users during the design stage of multipurpose plazas.
23 Actions of Voluntary Disaster Prevention Organizations in the Event of a Disaster
24 Nationwide Instantaneous Warning System Interlocking Device, Voice Synthesizer, Telephone Answering Device
25 Planned development of the Nagamine Community Disaster Prevention Center
26 Dissemination of AED expiry date, number of locations requiring renewal, and first aid before use
27 About the 2nd Inagi City Environmental Basic Plan
28 Regarding future perspectives on conservation of the natural environment
29 Support for certified farmers
30 Concrete support for industrial development
31 Recruitment of staff for promotion of tourism business
32 Conveying the attractiveness of the city by holding the "Mecha Designers Summit"
33 Concerning support and guidance for unions in 3 land readjustment projects implemented by unions
34 With the completion of the third commercialization plan in 2015, the city's priority routes at this stage
35 Coordination with Tokyo Metropolitan Government regarding the development of Tama City Planning Road 3, 4, 12 Yomiuri Land Line
36 Active use of the subsidy system under the Tokyo Metropolitan Government's "Guidelines for Planting with Consideration for Native Species"
37 Early Completion of JR Nambu Line Continuous Interchange Project
38 About the city's basic concept of iBus operation
39 Expectations for greater results than ever before through the Shinko Plaza Designated Manager System
40 Regarding the future positioning of the citizen activity point system
41 Securing doctors who can work to improve the quality of medical care at municipal hospitals and resolving the shortage of doctors
42 Fostering high awareness of hospital management among all staff, including doctors at municipal hospitals
43 Towards the second half of the term of office, the mayor's efforts in municipal administration and important measures
2 Komeito Hiromi Tsunoji 1 Continuing support for disaster-stricken areas
(1) Results of past staff dispatches and donations, and future initiatives
2 About the city's efforts
(1) Concerning specific efforts for administrative reform
(2) Outlook for property tax revenue increase
3 About community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
(1) Regarding the city's views and initiatives for increasing the population undergoing health examinations at municipal hospital health examination centers
(2) Promotion of contracts with many municipal hospital companies
(3) Development of small-scale multi-functional in-home care facilities, etc.
(4) About the future efforts of the development support center to be set up in the complex facility Friend Hirao
(5) Concrete efforts to protect the rights and interests of persons with disabilities
(6) Concrete efforts in the future for children and child-rearing support business plans
(7) Regarding the city's stance on privately-owned after-school clubs
4 About developing a community that nurtures people and culture
(1) About the Second Fundamental Plan for the Promotion of Education
(2) Regarding the city's approach to school risk management
(3) Past results and future initiatives, such as Rikuzentakata City reconstruction support volunteers by faculty members and teacher training in disaster-stricken areas
(4) Attitudes toward safety measures for children's school routes
(5) Details of initiatives for the “Inagi IC College” 10th anniversary project
(6) About the future efforts of the workshop to develop a multi-purpose plaza centered on a soccer field using the site of the former Sakahama disposal site
(7) Views on the Aruku Map Walking Project as part of the exchange project with Kawasaki citizens
5 Creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
(1) Enrichment of materials and equipment stockpiled at evacuation centers
(2) Enhancement of the new disaster medical system
(3) Maintenance of automatic telephone answering equipment, nationwide emergency warning system interlocking equipment, and voice synthesizer
(4) Contents of planned maintenance of fire brigade facilities in the Nagamine Community Disaster Prevention Center
6 Eco-friendly and vibrant community development
(1) Change to LED lighting fixtures in city hall, assembly hall and fire station
(2) Examination of the draft “Regional Biodiversity Strategy”
7 Creating a peaceful town surrounded by water and greenery
(1) About the Odara Land Readjustment Project
(2) Nambu Line Continuous Interchange Project New Year's Efforts
(3) Reflecting the voices of local governments, bus drivers, and others in consideration of i-Bus operation
3 Manabu Okada, Japanese Communist Party 1 Question the mayor's political stance in the administrative policy
(1) Supporting the lives of citizens and revitalizing the region as “social disparity” and poverty spread
 (a) Recognition of citizen's living
 (b) Concerning the expansion of the safety net Concerning citizens' perceptions of their lives
 (c) Emergency economic measures and employment measures
 (d) Establishment of public contract regulations
(2) Citizens' livelihood support, realization of wishes for welfare and education, and future community development
 (a) Eliminate waiting lists for nursery schools and after-school clubs
 (b) Regarding the development of special nursing homes for the elderly and small-scale multi-functional in-home care facilities
 (c) Regarding the “bullying” issue
 (d) Expansion of small classes
 (e) Expansion of i-Bus
 (f) Land readjustment projects for development of hilly areas, including Nanzan
(3) Disaster prevention measures, measures against radioactive contamination, spread of renewable energy
 (a) Reconstruction support from the Great East Japan Earthquake
 (b) Strengthen disaster prevention and earthquake countermeasures
 (c) Spread of renewable energy
4 Democratic Party Misako Kajiura 1 About the direction of future urban development based on the decrease in municipal tax revenue
About review of 2 public hall business, review of administration method of school lunch joint kitchen
3 Further cooperation between clinics in the city and municipal hospitals
4 About promotion of contract with many companies of Municipal Hospital Medical Examination Center
5 Guardians and family support at the development support center
6 About support for adults who suffer from developmental disabilities and difficulties living in society
7 Regarding information sharing and strengthening of cooperation between related departments for diverse child-rearing support
About 8 school lunch common kitchen maintenance business
9 Efforts to increase citizen momentum for the 68th National Sports Festival
10 Regarding the development of a multi-purpose plaza centered on a soccer field using the site of the former Sakahama disposal site, and providing it as a training ground for the top team of Tokyo Verdy.
11 Regarding the maintenance of the nationwide instantaneous warning system interlocking device, voice synthesizer, and telephone automatic response device
12 Enhancement of fire engine power
13 Collecting Rare Metals from Small Home Appliances
14 Regarding support for new business establishments in industrial development
15 About the new year's development of "Mecha Designers Summit"
16 Regarding the development of the station square through the JR Nambu Line continuous grade-separation project and the continued operation and attraction of commercial facilities around the station
17 Strengthening inspection and maintenance of city roads
18 Regarding the creation of a "city satellite spot" under the overpass of Inagi Naganuma Station
19 Regarding the city's public relations project and the dissemination of tourism information using iBus
About renovating city homepage to homepage that anyone is easy to use
21 Maintaining and improving the market value of health plazas after the introduction of naming rights
5 Kifukai Nakata 1 About community development where everyone can live together in good health and with peace of mind
(1) About support to enhance the system to support each other in the community
(2) Coordination methods among many facilities and organizations in developmental support centers
(3) Examination of development of child and child-rearing support business plan
(4) Response policy for ensuring the “quality” of development in after-school clubs
2 About town development with contact that nurtures people and culture
(1) Scope of the Second Basic Plan for the Promotion of Education
(2) Use of Fureai no Mori as a base for youth development and outdoor activities at schools
(3) About the system for coexistence of the National Sports Festival and the existing sports events of the city
3 About creating a peaceful and safe city where everyone can live a fulfilling life
(1) Enhancing soft aspects such as creating a system for regional disaster prevention
(2) Support from the city when voluntary disaster prevention organizations cannot secure storage space for disaster prevention materials and equipment
4 Environmentally friendly and vibrant community development
(1) Regarding the mayor's thoughts on the "growth strategy as Inagi City" for industrial promotion
(2) Regarding the treatment and expected results of human resources with specialized knowledge and practical experience in tourism hired as fixed-term staff in the promotion of tourism business
5 About creating a peaceful town surrounded by water and greenery
(1) The mayor's thoughts on community development in cooperation with the Wakabadai district of the Sakahama and Hirao districts
6 About community development that progresses together with citizens
(1) About the mayor's thoughts on organizational issues and the direction of administrative reform
(2) About the way of counter work and future policy when the use of ITC is advanced

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 1 Inagi City Gang Exclusion Ordinance General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 2 Inagi City Business Invitation Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 3 Inagi City Children and Families Support Center Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 4 The regulations about standard of designation of roadside area in city road of Inagi-shi Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 5 Inagi City Complex Facility Friend Hirao Ordinance General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 6 Inagi City Ordinance for Living and Cultural Facilities General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 7 Inagi City Development Support Center Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 8 Inagi City Education Center Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
9 Proposal No. 9 Inagi City Local Reference Room Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
10 Proposal No. 10 Inagi City Sports Facility Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
11 Proposal No. 11 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fee Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
12 Proposal No. 12 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Elderly Housing Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
13 Proposal No. 13 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Ordinance Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
14 Proposal No. 14 Ordinance on Technical Standards for Road Structures on City Roads in Inagi City Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
15 Proposal No. 15 Ordinance on standards for facilitation of movement on city roads in Inagi City Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
16 Proposal No. 16 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Park Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
17 Proposal No. 17 The regulations about standard of facilitation such as movement in Inagi City Park Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
18 Proposal No. 18 Inagi City Ordinance Concerning Technical Standards for Structures of River Management Facilities, Etc. Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
19 Proposal No. 19 Ordinance that determines the dimensions of road signs on city roads in Inagi City Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
20 Proposal No. 20 Ordinance to partially revise the Tama City Planning Project Inagi Enokido Land Readjustment Project Enforcement Regulations Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
21 Proposal No. 21 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Sewerage Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
22 Proposal No. 22 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Public Facility Construction Fund Ordinance General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
23 Proposal No. 23 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on salaries for employees of Inagi City General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
24 Proposal No. 24 The ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning public affairs accident compensation, etc. for part-time employees of Inagi City General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
25 Proposal No. 25 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Ordinance Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
26 Proposal No. 26 Ordinance to revise a part of the ordinance that stipulates the fixed number of members of the Inagi City Disability Level Evaluation Committee Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
27 Proposal No. 27 The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about the limit of the building in the area of the Inagi city district plan Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
28 Proposal No. 28 The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about management of Inagi City Park parking lot Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
29 Proposal No. 29 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Disaster Prevention Council Ordinance and the Inagi City Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters Ordinance General Affairs Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
30 Proposal No. 30 FY2012 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 6) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2013 Draft approved
31 Proposal No. 31 2012 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2013 Draft approved
32 Proposal No. 32 2012 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2013 Draft approved
33 Proposal No. 33 2012 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee March 8, 2013 Draft approved
34 Proposal No. 34 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
35 Proposal No. 35 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
36 Proposal No. 36 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
37 Proposal No. 37 Fiscal year 2013 Tokyo Inagi city sewerage business special account budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
38 Proposal No. 38 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
39 Proposal No. 39 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
40 Proposal No. 40 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget budget special committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
41 Proposal No. 41 About the election of the Inagi City Audit Committee Prompt decision March 4, 2013 consent
42 Proposal No. 42 Fiscal 2012 Appropriation of Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Capital Surplus Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Draft approved
43 Proposal No. 43 2012 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 7) Prompt decision March 28, 2013 Draft approved

bill submitted by a member of the Diet

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 1 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the issuance of the Inagi City Council political research expenses Prompt decision February 26, 2013 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 2 Rules to partially revise the Inagi City Council Meeting Rules Prompt decision February 26, 2013 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 3 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Assembly Committee Ordinance Prompt decision February 26, 2013 Draft approved


No Receipt number petition name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 1 Petition for requests for service expansion of after-school club business Welfare Education Committee March 28, 2013 Purpose adopted


No Receipt number petition name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 First petition A petition calling for measures to be taken to alleviate the plight of single mothers who have never been married by deducting them as "widows" under the tax law.     Distribution only
2 Petition No. 2 Aiming to make Inagi a city of renewable energy, a petition is made to each household and condominium to implement the "Inagi City Solar Panel Installation Subsidy Program". Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Purpose adopted
3 Petition No. 3 Petition to stop the 2.5% pension cut Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Rejected
4 Petition No. 4 Petition regarding the request for assistance from Inagi City for contraception of stray cats Construction Environment Committee March 28, 2013 Rejected

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

Chairman Shigeru Harashima
Vice Chair Chikako Ito
Committee members Mihoko Nakamura, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Ken Arai, Chikara Watanabe, Hiromi Tsunoji

date Examination (investigation) items
January 11, 2013 1 Efforts to eliminate organized crime groups
About progress of 2 public facilities reservation system introduction
February 6, 2013 1 Amendment of Inagi City Regional Disaster Prevention Plan (Draft)
2 About construction such as fire department building extension
3 Deployment of personnel transport vehicles
March 11, 2013 1 Proposal No. 22 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Public Facility Construction Fund Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 1 Inagi City Gang Exclusion Ordinance
3 Proposal No. 5 Inagi City Complex Facility Friend Hirao Ordinance
4 Proposal No. 6 Inagi City Ordinance on Living and Cultural Facilities
5 Proposal No. 23 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on salaries for general staff of Inagi City
6 Proposal No. 24 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning public affairs accident compensation, etc. for part-time employees of Inagi City
7 Proposal No. 29 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Disaster Prevention Council Ordinance and the Inagi City Disaster Countermeasures Headquarters Ordinance
8 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Committee Chair Misako Kajiura
Vice-chairman Naka Nakata
Committee members Tatsuya Watanabe, Kuniko Endo, Takefumi Sakata, Morihisa Okubo, Kenji Nakayama

date Examination (investigation) items
January 18, 2013 1 “Inagi City Second Nursery School, Inagi City Second School Club, Inagi City First Children’s Center” Privatization Guidelines and Open Recruitment for Operators
2 Status of open recruitment for licensed nursery school operators in the Minamiyama area
3 About changes in the city's policy regarding management fees for sports facilities in municipal parks, etc.
4 About creating a place for elementary school students to stay after school and on school holidays (children's house, after-school club, after-school children's classroom)
5 Dispatch of committee members during closing
February 15, 2013 1 Efforts of Inagi Municipal Hospital
2 Outline of construction implementation design for reconstruction of former Inagi City Inagi Daiichi Elementary School building and Inagi City Daiichi Children's Club annex building
3 Outline of construction design for (provisional name) Inagi City Minamiyama Elementary School and (provisional name) Inagi City Minamiyama after-school club
4 About the outline of the implementation design for the large-scale renovation work of Inagi City Second Cultural Center
5 About the basic policy on the school district system and school attendance zone of Inagi City schools
6 About the interim report of the Inagi City school lunch joint kitchen management method review meeting
March 12, 2013 1 Proposal No. 3 Inagi City Children and Families Support Center Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 7 Inagi City Development Support Center Ordinance
3 Proposal No. 11 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Commission Ordinance
4 Proposal No. 12 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Elderly Housing Ordinance
5 Proposal No. 13 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Ordinance
6 Proposal No. 26 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance that stipulates the fixed number of members of the Inagi City Disability Classification Judgment Committee
7 Proposal No. 8 Inagi City Education Center Ordinance
8 Proposal No. 9 Inagi City Local Archives Ordinance
9 Proposal No. 10 Inagi City Sports Facility Ordinance
10 Proposal No. 42: Appropriation of Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Capital Surplus in 2012
11 Petition No. 1 Petition regarding request for service expansion of school club business
12 Concerning requests for continued research during closing

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

Chairperson Machiko Igawa
Vice-chairman Manabu Okada
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Makoto Suzuki, Hiroshi Sawaki, Etsuo Harada, Kenichi Kitahama

date Examination (investigation) items
January 28, 2013 1 Revision of the Inagi City Housing Master Plan
2 About charge of parking lot in Inagi City Park green area
3 About business approval of Inagi Odara Land Readjustment Association
4 About the Report of the Construction Review Committee for the Eastern Nanzan Land Readjustment Project
About policy change of city such as 5 Inagi green wellness foundation business
6 About utilization of i-bus for sightseeing
February 12, 2013 1 About the progress of projects in the Inagi-Fuchu Cemetery Association
2 Municipal building asbestos survey results
March 13, 2013 1 Proposal No. 2: Inagi City Business Attraction Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 25 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Ordinance
3 Proposal No. 4 Ordinance on criteria for designation of roadside areas on city roads in Inagi City
4 Proposal No. 14 Ordinance on Technical Standards for Road Structures on City Roads in Inagi City
5 Proposal No. 15 Ordinance on standards for facilitation of movement, etc. on city roads in Inagi City
6 Proposal No. 16 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Park Ordinance
7 Proposal No. 17 Ordinance on Standards for Facilitation of Movement in Inagi City Park
8 Proposal 18 Ordinance on Technical Standards for Structures of Inagi City Applicable River Management Facilities, Etc.
9 Proposal No. 19 Ordinance that stipulates the dimensions of road signs installed on city roads in Inagi City
10 Proposal No. 20 Ordinance to partially revise the Tama City Planning Project Inagi-Enokido Land Readjustment Project Enforcement Regulations, etc.
11 Proposal No. 21 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Sewerage Ordinance
12 Proposal No. 27 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning restrictions on buildings within the area of ​​the Inagi City district plan
13 Proposal No. 28 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the management of parking lots in Inagi City Park
14 No. 2 Petition A petition seeking implementation of the "Inagi City Solar Panel Installation Subsidy System" for households and condominiums with the aim of becoming a town of renewable energy "Inagi"
15 Petition No. 3 Petition to stop the 2.5% pension reduction
16 Petition No. 4 Petition regarding requesting subsidies from Inagi City for contraception of stray cats
17 Concerning requests for continued investigation during closing

Assembly Steering Committee (6 members)

Chairman Etsuo Harada
Vice-chairman Morihisa Okubo
Committee members Misako Kajiura, Kuniko Endo, Nakatanaka, Kenichi Kitahama

date Examination (investigation) items
February 12, 2013 About efficiency of 1 assembly administration (opinion exchange about administrative inspection)
February 19, 2013 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the first regular assembly
2 Withdrawal of General Inquiry Notification
February 26, 2013 1 Notification and order of debate
March 5, 2013 1 Regarding requests for continued research during closing
March 28, 2013 1 Notification and order of debate
2 About additional proposals
3 Dispatch of lawmakers during closing
4 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

Chairman Morihisa Okubo
Vice-chairman Takefumi Sakata
Committee members Misako Kajiura, Tatsuya Watanabe, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Ken Arai, Manabu Okada, Nakatanaka, Machiko Igawa, Etsuo Harada

date Examination (investigation) items
February 26, 2013 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
February 28, 2013 1 Proposal No. 30 2012 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 6)
2 Proposal No. 31 2012 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)
3 Proposal No. 33: 2012 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
4 Proposal No. 32 Fiscal 2012 Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3)

Special Budget Committee (21 members)

Chairman Kenji Nakayama
Vice Chair Hiromi Tsunoji
Committee members: Misako Kajiura, Yukihiro Iwasa, Mihoko Nakamura, Tatsuya Watanabe, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Ken Arai, Chikako Ito, Kuniko Endo, Manabu Okada, Chikara Watanabe, Takefumi Sakata, Nakatanaka, Makoto Suzuki, Machiko Igawa, Morihisa Okubo. , Hiroshi Sawaki, Etsuo Harada, Kenichi Kitahama, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
February 26, 2013 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 14, 2013 [Summary question]
1 Proposal No. 34 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget
2 Proposal No. 35 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 36 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 37 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
5 Proposal No. 38 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
6 Proposal No. 39 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
7 Proposal No. 40 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget [General Affairs Subcommittee]
1 Mutual selection of chief examiners
2 Mutual selection of vice-chairpersons [Welfare Education Subcommittee]
1 Mutual selection of chief examiners
2 Mutual selection of vice-chairs [Construction Environment Subcommittee]
1 Mutual selection of chief examiners
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
March 15, 2013 [General Affairs Subcommittee]
1 Proposal No. 34: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Planning Department of the 2013 Inagi City general account budget
2 Proposal No. 34 The part related to the jurisdiction of the general affairs department, the accounting department, the fire department headquarters, the audit committee and the election management committee of the 2013 Inagi City general account budget
March 18, 2013 [Welfare Education Subcommittee]
1 Proposal No. 34: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the Welfare Department of the 2013 Inagi City general account budget in Tokyo
2 Proposal No. 38 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 34 2013 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City general account budget part related to the jurisdiction of the Board of Education
4 Proposal No. 40 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget
March 19, 2013 [Construction Environment Subcommittee]
1 Proposal No. 34 The portion of the 2013 Inagi City general account budget related to the jurisdiction of the Living Environment Department and the Agriculture Committee
2 Proposal No. 35 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 39 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 34: The portion of the 2013 Inagi City general account budget pertaining to the jurisdiction of the Urban Construction Department
5 Proposal No. 36 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
6 Proposal No. 37 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
March 27, 2013 [Review report of each subcommittee, Q&A, Voting]
1 Proposal No. 34 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Budget
2 Proposal No. 35 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Budget
3 Proposal No. 36 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Budget
4 Proposal No. 37 Fiscal 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Budget
5 Proposal No. 38 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance Special Account Budget, Tokyo Metropolitan Government
6 Proposal No. 39 Fiscal 2013 Inagi City, Tokyo Medical Care Special Account Budget
7 Proposal No. 40 Fiscal Year 2013 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Budget

Special Committee for Research on the Number of Members of Parliament (12 members)

Committee Chair Hiroshi Sawaki
Vice-chairman Kenichi Kitahama
Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Mihoko Nakamura, Tatsuya Watanabe, Ken Arai, Manabu Okada, Makoto Suzuki, Machiko Igawa, Etsuo Harada, Kenji Nakayama, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
February 5, 2013 1 About the fixed number of members of the Inagi City Council
March 21, 2013 1 About the fixed number of members of the Inagi City Council

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111