Inagi City

2011 2nd regular meeting

Last updated: July 13, 2011

 Contains the session schedule, general questions, results of bill deliberations, committee examination (investigation) matters, etc. of the 2nd Inagi City Council regular meeting in 2011.


 Assembly Secretariat Proceedings (ext. 415)

2011 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

2011 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule
From June 10, 2011 to July 1 (22 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
June 10th Friday 9:30 am plenary session Statement of position, explanation of proposals
11th Saturday (adjournment)  
12th Sunday (adjournment)  
The 13th Monday (adjournment) (Date of scrutiny of bills)
14th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session representative question
15th day Wednesday 9:30 am plenary session Proposals (excluding supplementary budgets and prompt resolutions) questions and referrals
Proposal (Supplementary Budget) Q&A, Establishment of Supplementary Budget Special Committee, Delegation
Prompt resolution question, vote Recommendation of agriculture committee
Submission of petition
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee 
16th Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
After the plenary session Committee Congress Steering Committee (proposals submitted by legislators, surveys) 
17th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 6 to 10) 
18th Saturday (adjournment)  
19th Sunday (adjournment)  
The 20th Monday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 11 to 15) 
21 days Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 16, No. 17) 
The 22nd Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
The 23rd Thursday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
24th Friday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee
25th Saturday (adjournment)  
26th Sunday (adjournment)  
27th Monday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
28th day Tuesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
29th Wednesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
30 days Thursday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
July 1 Friday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee 
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals, petition committee reports, debates, voting

General question

Notification number Family name Question items (17 people, 71 items)            remarks
1 click on Misako Kajiura for videos  1 About the revitalization of Inagi City using Kunio Okawara's design work 2 About the safety and health of children after the Great East Japan Earthquake 3 About the person notification system related to third party delivery of copies of resident cards and family registers 4 Community development of Wakabadai About various issues  
2 Yukihiro Iwasa  1 Damage situation and current situation of the Great East Japan Earthquake 2 Promotion of power saving measures 3 Nursery waiting list children 4 In-hospital childcare and childcare for sick children  
3 Ito Chikako  1 About the Great East Japan Earthquake 2 About vaccination of infants 3 About shortening transportation time by ambulance 4 About road maintenance around Inagi Naganuma Station   
4 Nakata  1 Responses of schools, etc. in the event of a large-scale disaster 2 Current status and future responses to disaster countermeasures for information systems 3 Cooperation between schools and local communities 4 Status of initiatives for the vacant lot in front of Wakabadai Station 5 Support system for welfare and children's commissioners about the need  
5 Hiroshi Sawaki  1 Message from the mayor to all citizens expressing peace of mind and hope for the Great East Japan Earthquake
2 Building disaster prevention agreements at the municipality level and a cooperative system of wide-area unions in the event of large-scale disasters 3 City firefighters to acquire “disaster prevention specialists” 4 Further enhancement of the nursing care support volunteer system 5 From wire fraud to citizens About protecting 6 About promoting eco-family initiatives 
6 Machiko Igawa  1 Improvement and enhancement of disaster prevention wireless communication, and new information transmission 2 Regarding the establishment of a disaster prevention section (person in charge) 3 Energy saving and power saving measures in Inagi City 4 Securing a park where ball play can be done by installing nets, etc. 5 Children after school Classroom 6 Radioactivity Countermeasures   
7 Hiromi Tsunoji  1 Improving evacuation center functions 2 Securing female doctors and nurses at municipal hospitals 3 Playing melodies in crime prevention and environmental patrol cars (blue patrol)   
8 Okubo Morihisa  1 Ensuring safe school attendance for elementary school students in the event of a disaster 2 Grand design for special needs education 3 Development and utilization of Children's Square as a park 4 Land use appropriate for the area north of Yomiuriland Station in front of the station 5 Disasters Strengthening of the disaster victim information management system at the time of occurrence   
9 Mihoko Nakamura  1 Saving electricity and future energy policies 2 Responding to accidents and disasters caused by radioactive materials 3 Supporting families and children evacuated to the city after the Great East Japan Earthquake 4 Preventing ceilings from falling in gymnasiums and halls  
10 Kenichi Kitahama  1 About traffic measures around Minamitama Station 2 About the city's efforts to improve Inagi's disaster prevention capabilities   
11 Riki Watanabe 1 Enhancement of sports facilities 2 City initiatives for the 2013 Tokyo Tama National Athletic Meet 3 Facility maintenance in Central Park 4 Use of Nambu Line underpass   
12 Takefumi Sakata  1 About disaster prevention administrative radio 2 About disaster prevention measures at the time of disaster    
13 Kuniko Endo  1 Eliminate waiting lists for after-school clubs 2 Current seismic resistance of the dilapidated First Elementary School 3 Securing safe water in an emergency in Inagi City 4 Short stays in Inagi City 5 Home medical care and nursing in Inagi City 6 Sundays and holidays in Inagi City  
14 Manabu Okada  1 Implementation of "small class classes" 2 Protection of children when it is difficult to return home due to a disaster or earthquake 3 Strengthening of inspection system and information provision for radioactive contamination, etc. 4 Enhancement of i-Bus 5 Elimination of nursery school waiting lists, etc. about  
15 Watanabe Tatsuya  1 Administrative Reform 2 Diffusion of Radioactive Materials 3 Voluntary Disaster Prevention Organizations and Public Relations to Citizens 4 Misawa River  
16 Makoto Suzuki  1 Regarding projects that the city is working on in relation to disaster prevention in Inagi City 2 Regarding passage during snow between Sakahama and Hirao 3 Regarding sidewalk maintenance in the city  
17 Ken Arai  1 Municipal management by the mayor 2 Municipal management responsible for the safety of citizens 3 Early renovation of Frendo Hirao complex 4 Utilization of the Hirao residential sewage treatment plant site  

representative question

Notification number Party name Representative question item  
1 Etsuo Harada  1 Regarding the points that the former Ishikawa municipal government wants to inherit and the points that it wants to correct
 2 About the image of the next-generation city that the mayor idealizes
"Reconstruction support for the Tohoku region"
3 Current status of staff dispatch
4 Cooperation between reconstruction support groups and government
“Strengthening disaster prevention measures”
5 Regarding the firefighting system of Inagi City when multiple earthquakes occur simultaneously over a wide area
6 Regarding the fundamental reconsideration of the concepts of self-help, mutual assistance, and public assistance in response to the loss of administrative functions due to the earthquake disaster
7 Basic concept for formulating damage scale assumptions
8 About the target year for 100% earthquake resistance of public facilities that do not meet the standards
"Promotion of the Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan"
About carrying out desk work business evaluation when 9 new mayors push forward new policy
10 Benefits of Public Accounting System Reform and Timing of Implementation
11 Regarding the provision of information on the reappointment of retirees due to the reduction in the number of employees, the active use of reemployment, and the increase in property costs such as outsourcing
"Promotion of urban infrastructure development"
12 Regarding traffic congestion around railroad crossings on Route 3, 3, and 7 of urban planning roads
13 About using underpass at Inagi-Naganuma Station
14 Regarding the method of increasing the rate of securing public green space in the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project
15 Regarding the widening of the Tsurukawa Highway in the Sakahama and Momomura districts
16 Regarding cooperation with the Tokyo Metropolitan Government regarding the opening of the Sakahama/Hirao Line (Ta 3, 4, 17)
17 Kamhirao/Odara Land Readjustment Project (provisional name)
"Enhancement of welfare medical care"
18 (Tentative name) Utilization of medical checkup and outpatient wing attached to health plaza, management improvement of municipal hospitals
19 Concerning construction of rental housing for the elderly within Hirao Housing
“Enhancement of education and child-rearing support”
20 Promoting the spread of green curtains in elementary and junior high schools
21 Disparities in school facilities between existing areas and new town areas
22 Regarding the establishment of local child and family support centers in existing areas
23 Regarding the problem of children on waiting lists for nursery schools
24 Regarding the development of measures such as the establishment of certified nursery schools
25 About the target fiscal year for the development of sports park facilities using idle land in the Nagamine district
“Promotion of Agriculture, Commerce and Industry and Conservation of the Environment”
26 Active development of family farms, allotment farms, and hands-on farms
27 Misawa River and Daimaru Canal Clearing
28 Regarding collaboration between the government and the Chamber of Commerce
"Creation of turnout and support for civic activities"
29 Health point system
"Aiming to improve convenience"
30 Regarding the increase and expansion of i-Bus circulation routes
"Temporary Projects and the Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan"
31 Commemorative events to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Inagi Citizen Festival
32 About regional revitalization using Verdy, Javit, and Gundam
33 Timing of Examination of Appropriate School Size, Placement, School Commuting Zones, etc.
34 About early large-scale renovation of the first kitchen
35 How to utilize abandoned bicycles
36 Determination to Promote Inagi City's Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan
2 Komeito Morihisa Okubo 1 Reconstruction support for the Tohoku region
(1) About support in cooperation with companies and volunteers in the city
2 Strengthening disaster prevention measures
(1) Removal of utility poles on major community roads
(2) Regarding the measures of municipal hospitals to protect patients who use medical equipment at home during power outages
(3) Voluntary disaster prevention organizations
3 Maintaining sound finances
(1) Regarding measures to further enhance the power of each employee and devices to increase organizational strength
(2) Staff training on double-entry bookkeeping in public accounting system reform
4 Promotion of urban infrastructure development
(1) Business promotion on the side of landowners
5 Improvement of welfare medical care
(1) (Tentative name) Operation of health plaza
6 Enhancing education and child-rearing support
(1) Reconstruction of Inagi Daiichi Elementary School and making it an eco school
(2) (Tentative name) About junior high school juxtaposition at Nanzan Elementary School
(3) Educational assistants
(4) Organizational management for providing comprehensive support for children
(5) Measures for wait-listed children at nursery schools
(6) Health checkup for 5-year-olds at the Developmental Disability Support Center
(7) About setting up a dog run
7 Promotion of agriculture, commerce and industry, and conservation of the environment
(1) Regarding measures to encourage many citizens to clean up the Misawa River
(2) About solar power generation system and establishment of subsidy system
About 8 creation of turnout and support for civic activities
(1) Further expansion of the target of the care support volunteer system
(2)About the future of social movement point system
(3) Utilization of Friend Hirao grounds
9 Aiming to improve convenience
(1) Memorial Hall and Citizen Cemetery
(2) About new routes of iBus
3 Manabu Okada, Japanese Communist Party 1 Question the mayor's political stance in the statement of policy
(1) Regarding the basic stance of taking the voices of 85,000 citizens and working on community development for welfare and disaster prevention
(2) Efforts for relief and reconstruction of areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake
(3) Community development for welfare and disaster prevention that protects the lives and livelihoods of citizens
 (1) Consideration of earthquake resistance comprehensive inspection and countermeasures for schools, after-school clubs, nursery schools, kindergartens, public facilities, housing, etc.
 (2) Regarding the mayor's perception of citizens' lives under the spread of "poverty and social disparity" and the economic crisis
 (3) Regarding the mayor's opinion, it is necessary to review the way large amounts of taxes are invested in large-scale development, especially land readjustment for hilly land development.
 ④ Based on "disaster prevention, safety, and reliable town development", I think that the construction of high embankments should be reviewed, but the mayor's perception
4 Democratic Party Misako Kajiura 1 Future vision of community development
2. How to Dispatch Staff for Reconstruction Support
3 About power outage countermeasures at the city hall
4 Promotion of the Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan
5 Regarding measures to increase the burden on staff due to the reduction in the number of staff
6 About the schedule of the JR Nambu Line continuous grade separation project
7 Regarding the maintenance of cycling roads or bicycle-only roads due to the widening of Tsurukawa Highway
8 Regarding the opening of new routes for i-bus and route buses after the opening of the Sakahama-Hirao Line
Securing doctors and nurses accompanying the establishment of medical examination outpatient wards at 9 municipal hospitals
10 About the development of comprehensive child-rearing support facilities
11 Timing of Completion of New Sports Park Facility on Idle Land in Nagamine District
12 (Tentative name) Perspectives on power saving measures and harmful substances, especially radiation and radioactive substances, in the Second Basic Environment Plan
13 Activity support for volunteer groups, etc. centered on the citizen activity point system
14 Memorial Hall and Funeral Hall
15 Internet reservations for public facilities
16 Review of iBus routes, schedule revisions, route changes, etc.
17 Regarding power supply related equipment that can provide citizen services
18 Municipal hospitals providing better services than ever before
19 About human cooperation centered on municipal hospitals
20 Regarding the expansion of eligible persons for the provision of living supplies for the elderly
21 Assignment of Nutrition Teachers in Shokuiku Promotion
22 Utilization of the Language Ability Improvement Promotion Project
23 School districts for junior high school students in the eastern part of Nanzan and ideas for integrated elementary and middle school
24 Regarding school lunch countermeasures for children with allergies
25 Large-scale renovation of general gymnasium
26 Promoting the Project to Prevent Furniture Overturning
27 Promotion of seismic retrofitting work
28 Improvement of disaster prevention administrative radio
29 Measures to publicize tourism resources inside and outside the city even after the completion of the 40th anniversary commemorative project
30 Regarding implementation in places with high traffic convenience to promote the consumer room business
5 Kifukai Nakata 1 Reconstruction support for the Tohoku region
2 Strengthening disaster prevention measures
(1) Review of regional disaster prevention plans
(2) Efforts to expand and increase the number of voluntary disaster prevention organizations
3 Maintaining sound finances
(1) Measures to reduce labor costs
(2) Concrete timing and method of public accounting system reform
4 Promotion of urban infrastructure development
(1) Securing productive green areas and farmlands in the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project
(2) Timing of opening of the Sakahama-Hirao Line
5 Enhancing education and child-rearing support
(1) How to balance air conditioner installation and power saving
About 6 creation of turnout and support of social movement
(1) Regarding the business of giving points to social contribution and volunteer activities
(2) Regarding the reopening of the second floor and above of Friend Hirao
7 Aiming to improve convenience
(1) Internet reservations for public facilities
8 Temporary business of meat budget
(1)About basic policy of approach of power saving of city
9 Regarding the Fourth Long-Term Comprehensive Plan of the Flesh Budget
(1) Dealing with houses that are not covered by the seismic diagnosis subsidy system

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 30 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance General Affairs Committee July 1, 2011 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 31 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Sewerage Ordinance Construction Environment Committee July 1, 2011 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 32 2011 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) Supplementary Budget Special Committee July 1, 2011 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 33 2011 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee July 1, 2011 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 34 About purchase of firefighting pump car General Affairs Committee July 1, 2011 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 35 Business consignment contract for part of the Inagi City public sewerage business (within the land readjustment project area in eastern Nanzan) Construction Environment Committee July 1, 2011 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 36 Appointment of Inagi City Board of Education Prompt decision June 15, 2011 consent
8 Proposal No. 37 FY2011 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 4) Prompt decision July 1, 2011 Draft approved

bill submitted by a member of the Diet

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 2 Opinion Requesting Review of Children's "20 mSv/year" Standard Prompt decision July 1, 2011 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 3 Opinion requesting a shift from the promotion of nuclear power to an energy policy centered on renewable energy Prompt decision July 1, 2011 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 4 Opinion requesting fundamental maintenance of the long-term care insurance system Prompt decision July 1, 2011 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 5 Opinion requesting effective government support for local consumer administration Prompt decision July 1, 2011 Draft approved


No report number Report name
1 First report About carry-over license expenses carry-over statement (FY2010 Tokyo Inagi City general account budget)
2 Second report Management status of Inagi City Land Development Public Corporation
3 Third report Management status of the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation


No Receipt number petition name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 7 A petition requesting the submission of a written opinion to the government, etc., requesting effective support from the national government for local consumer administration, in order to enhance local consumer administration. Construction Environment Committee July 1, 2011 adoption
2 Petition No. 8 A petition regarding the continuation of the Hachioji Slaughterhouse until a slaughterhouse for the citizens of Tokyo is constructed. Construction Environment Committee July 1, 2011 Purpose adopted
3 Petition No. 9 Petition regarding the construction of a system to utilize livestock as emergency food in the event of a disaster Construction Environment Committee July 1, 2011 Purpose adopted
4 Petition No. 10 Petition about radiation dose measurement in parks and schools in Inagi City Construction Environment Committee July 1, 2011 adoption
5 Petition No. 11 Petition regarding land slope district high embankment construction cancellation distribution only    

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

Chairman Shigeru Harashima Vice-chair Chikako Ito Committee members Mihoko Nakamura, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Ken Arai, Chikara Watanabe, Hiromi Tsunoji

date Examination (investigation) items
June 23, 2011 1 Proposal No. 30 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 34: Purchase of Fire Pump Vehicles
3 Regarding the addition of specific administrative affairs investigation items
4 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Chairperson Misako Kajiura Vice-chairman Naka Nakata Committee members Tatsuya Watanabe, Kuniko Endo, Takefumi Sakata, Morihisa Okubo, Kenji Nakayama

date Examination (investigation) items
May 26, 2011 1 About the results of the basic survey for the repair work of Frendo Hirao, a complex facility
June 24, 2011 1 Addition of items to be investigated for specific administrative affairs
2 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

Chairperson Machiko Igawa Vice-chairman Manabu Okada Committee members Yukihiro Iwasa, Makoto Suzuki, Hiroshi Sawaki, Etsuo Harada, Kenichi Kitahama

date Examination (investigation) items
May 25, 2011 1 Major Projects of the Department of Urban Construction in 2011
2 Amount of household waste collected and composition analysis of waste
3 Environment of Inagi City
June 27, 2011 1 Proposal No. 31 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Sewerage Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 35 Business consignment contract for a part of the Inagi City public sewerage business (within the land readjustment project area in eastern Nanzan)
3 Petition No. 7 A petition requesting the submission of a written opinion to the government, etc., requesting effective support from the national government for local consumer administration in order to enhance local consumer administration.
4 No. 8 Petition A petition concerning the continuation of the Hachioji Slaughterhouse until a slaughterhouse for the citizens of Tokyo is constructed.
5 No. 9 petition Petition concerning the construction of a system to utilize livestock as emergency food in the event of a disaster
6 Petition No. 10 Petition regarding radiation dose measurement in Inagi city parks, schools, etc.
7 Addition of items to be investigated for specific jurisdictional affairs
8 Requests for continued research during closed sessions 

Assembly Steering Committee (6 members)

Chairman Etsuo Harada Vice-chairman Morihisa Okubo Committee members Misako Kajiura, Kuniko Endo, Nakata Nakata, Kenichi Kitahama

date Examination (investigation) items
June 3, 2011 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the first regular assembly
2 Withdrawal of General Inquiry Notification
June 16, 2011 1 About bills submitted by members of the Diet
2 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
July 1, 2011 1 Notification and order of debate
2 About additional proposals
3 About bills submitted by members of the Diet
4 Dispatch of Diet members during closing
5 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (21 members)

Chairman Kenji Nakayama Vice-chairman Morihisa Okubo Committee members Misako Kajiura, Yukihiro Iwasa, Mihoko Nakamura, Tatsuya Watanabe, Yasuyuki Kawashima, Ken Arai, Chikako Ito, Kuniko Endo, Manabu Okada, Tsutomu Watanabe, Takefumi Sakata, Nakata Nakata , Makoto Suzuki, Hiromi Tsunoji, Machiko Igawa, Hiroshi Sawaki, Etsuo Harada, Kenichi Kitahama, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
June 15, 2011 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
June 22, 2011 1 Proposal No. 32: Part of the 2011 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) concerning the jurisdiction of the Planning Department
2 Proposal No. 32: The portion related to the jurisdiction of the General Affairs Department of the 2011 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3)
3 Proposal No. 32: Part of the 2011 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) concerning the jurisdiction of the Living Environment Department
4 Proposal No. 32: Part of the 2011 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) concerning the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Welfare
5 Proposal No. 32: Part of the 2011 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) concerning the jurisdiction of the Urban Construction Department
6 Proposal No. 32: Part of the 2011 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) concerning the jurisdiction of the Fire Department Headquarters
7 Proposal No. 32 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 3) for 2011 Part Related to Board of Education Jurisdiction
8 Proposal No. 33 Fiscal 2011 Tokyo Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Supplementary Budget (No. 1)

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Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111