Inagi City

2009 2nd regular meeting

Last updated: July 1, 2009

plenary session

2009 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly 

 Contains the meeting schedule of the 2nd Inagi City Council regular meeting in 2009, general questions, results of bill deliberations, etc., and examinations (surveys) of various committees.
Inquiries Congress Secretariat Minutes Section (extension 415)

2009 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule

June 8, 2009 to June 29, 2009 (22 days)

2009 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule
June 8 to June 29, 2009 (22 days)
time day of week opening time meeting name pick up          required
June 8 Monday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, bill explanations
The 9th Tuesday (adjournment) (Date of scrutiny of bills)
The 10th Wednesday 9:30 am plenary session Proposals (excluding supplementary budget) Q & A, referral 
Proposal (Supplementary Budget) Questions 
Supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral
After the plenary session Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
11th Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5) 
12th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10) 
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee (investigation)
The 13th Saturday (adjournment)  
14th Sunday (adjournment)  
15th day Monday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 11 to 15) 
16th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session General Questions (Nos. 16-18) 
17th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
18th Thursday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
19th Friday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee
The 20th Saturday (adjournment)  
21 days Sunday (adjournment)  
The 22nd Monday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
The 23rd Tuesday 9:30 am Committee Long-term Comprehensive Plan Examination Special Committee
24th Wednesday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
25th Thursday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
26th Friday (adjournment) (committee report organization)
27th Saturday (adjournment)  
28th day Sunday (adjournment)  
29th Monday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals Committee Report, Voting
Voting on bills submitted by members of the Diet

General question

Notification number Family name Question items (18 people, 64 items)            remarks
1 Okubo Morihisa
1 About the unification of children's administration 2 About the strategy for acquiring human resources in the city 3 About strengthening efforts to ensure the safety and security of children 4 About support for people with developmental disabilities (children) 5 About eliminating waitlists for children by using the Anshin Children Fund 6 Special needs education 7. Regarding the installation of a ball protection net at the seventh elementary school ground. 8. Regarding the regular cleaning of "Jabu Jabu Pond" at Yamazaki Park.
2 Ito Chikako
1 About fire prevention and safety measures for small-scale social welfare facilities 2 About countermeasures against the new type of influenza that originated in Mexico 3 About switching to vehicles with lower carbon dioxide emissions 4 About monitoring systems for elderly people living alone 5 About sustainable urban agriculture 6 About nursing care support About converting volunteer points into gift certificates 7 About support for families with young-onset dementia patients 8 About child-rearing support 9 About reviewing who is eligible for specific health checkups
3 Misako Kajiura
1 Regarding new influenza pandemic (large-scale outbreak) countermeasures (Part 3)
2 Regarding various issues at Wakabadai
4 Masami Ito
1 About introducing a childcare support company system into the city 2 About the human resources bank system 3 About public land and the statute of limitations
5 Izumi Iwasa
1 About promoting the safe use of bicycles and improving the riding environment 2 About further expansion and enhancement of cancer screening business 3 About promoting the development of Fureai Center
6 Hiroshi Sawaki
1 Regarding the enhancement of the nursing care support volunteer system 2 Regarding the installation of nursing care prevention projects (handrails) 3 Regarding initiatives to promote urban agriculture and preserve urban farmland
7 Masafumi Fujii
1 About population trends in the Wakabadai area 2 About issues related to the JR Nambu Line 3 About traffic issues within the city
8 Kadoshima Sueko
1 About Dementia Supporter 2 About Women’s Specialist Outpatient Clinic 3 About “Grandchild Raising Course” 4 About Support for Single-Parent Families, etc.
9 Kenichi Kitahama
1 Regarding the impact of Saturday classes at elementary and junior high schools on the activities and tournaments of local sports organizations 2 Regarding the issues facing the transition to digital terrestrial broadcasting
10 Junjiro Tominaga
1 About a comfortable working environment for employees and expectations for etiquette leaders 2 About traffic safety that is friendly to people, cars, and living things 3 About various problems around the Kitashita area of ​​Hyakumura River on the Ridge Trunk Line
11 Shigeru Harashima
1 Regarding various issues in the Yanoguchi area 2 Regarding the development of measures for land readjustment projects 3 Regarding the first supplementary budget for fiscal 2009 in the national government
12 Machiko Igawa
1 About the development and promotion of disaster prevention bases in small parks 2 About protecting the safety and security of the elderly 3 About junior high school extracurricular activities 4 About women's health support
13 Manabu Okada
1 Regarding a fundamental review of long-term care insurance, etc. 2 Regarding the elimination of childcare waiting lists at nursery schools and the enhancement of childcare environments 3 Regarding various issues of after-school clubs 4 Regarding early implementation of “small class” 5 Regarding childcare services at the central library
14 Tarao Haruko
1 About the city's unique lifestyle support measures in response to the deterioration of public welfare 2 About the welfare office's response to the deterioration of the employment situation 3 About the Kamihirao land readjustment
15 Harutoshi Kusuhara
1 Regarding responding to immediate local demands
16 Mihoko Nakamura
1 About improving the environment for bicycle use 2 About further enhancing opportunities for interaction and collaboration between children at school and local residents 3 About the future of the Fureai Center Koyodai
17 Aiko Fujiwara
1 About the realization of a “sustainable and bright future town” 2 About the use of libraries in Inagi City
18 Ken Arai
1 Regarding the expansion of Inagi City's system to support in-home nursing care that everyone can feel at ease 2 Regarding the expansion of Inagi City's recession countermeasures 3 Regarding the expansion of physical education facilities to ensure the promotion of civic sports and physical education

Bill submitted by the mayor

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 36 Ordinance to partially revise the Ordinance for Establishing Inagi City Branch Offices General Affairs Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 37 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance General Affairs Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 38 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance Construction Environment Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 39 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding subsidies for medical expenses for children in compulsory education in Inagi City Welfare Education Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 40 FY2009 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 41 About purchase of firefighting pump car General Affairs Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 42 About change of business consignment contract about part of Inagi-shi public sewer business in 2008 Construction Environment Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 43 Business consignment contract for Inagi City public sewerage business (part of the business from 2009 to 2011) Construction Environment Committee June 29, 2009 Draft approved

administrative report

No report number Report name
1 First report Management status of Inagi City Land Development Public Corporation
2 Second report Management status of the Inagi Green Wellness Foundation
3 Third report About carry-over license expenses carry-over statement (FY2008 Tokyo Inagi city general account budget)
4 Report No. 4 About carry-over license expenses carry-over statement (FY2008 Tokyo Inagi city sewerage business special account budget)

bill submitted by a member of the Diet

No Proposal number Proposal name Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 3 Opinion requesting an increase in the budget for base measures Prompt decision June 29, 2009 Draft approved


Receipt number subject Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 2 Treasures of Inagi - A Petition to Leave the Nature of Nanzan to Future Children Construction Environment Committee June 29, 2009 Rejected

General Affairs Committee (7 members)

Chairperson: Morihisa Okubo, vice-chairman Junjiro Tominaga Committee members: Harutoshi Kusuhara, Masami Ito, Chikako Ito, Hiroshi Sawaki, Etsuo Harada

date Examination (investigation) items
June 18, 2009 1 Proposal No. 36 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Branch Office Establishment Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 41: Purchase of Inagi City Pump Vehicles
3 Proposal No. 37 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance                                                                        4 Addition of items to be investigated for specific jurisdictional affairs                                                                                    5 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Welfare Education Committee (7 members)

Chairman: Kenji Nakayama, Vice-chairman: Misako Kajiura Committee members: Haruko Tarao, Aiko Fujiwara, Mihoko Nakamura, Sueko Kadoshima, Shigeo Tanaka

date Examination (investigation) items
June 19, 2009 1 Proposal No. 39 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning subsidies for medical expenses for children attending compulsory education in Inagi City
2 Regarding the addition of specific administrative affairs investigation items
3 Requests for continued research during closed sessions                                                                            

Construction Environment Committee (7 members)

Chairperson Kenichi Kitahama Vice-chairman Manabu Okada Committee members Izumi Iwasa, Masashi Fujii, Ken Arai, Machiko Igawa, Shigeru Harashima

date Examination (investigation) items
June 22, 2009 1 Proposal No. 38 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance
2 Proposal No. 42 Fiscal 2008 Change of outsourcing contract for part of the Inagi City public sewerage business
3 Proposal No. 43 Business consignment contract for the Inagi City Public Sewerage Project (a part of the project from 2009 to 2011) Petition 5 Addition of items to be investigated for specific administrative affairs 6 Request for continued investigation during closed session                                                                           

Assembly Steering Committee (7 members)

Chairperson: Ken Arai, vice-chairman Haruko Tarao Committee members: Masami Ito, Masashi Fujii, Aiko Fujiwara, Machiko Igawa, Kenji Nakayama

date Examination (investigation) items
June 1, 2009 About parliamentary administration such as sessions such as the first regular assembly
June 12, 2009 1 Regarding requests for continued investigation during closed sessions 2 Regarding increasing the efficiency of parliamentary operations
June 29, 2009 1 Notification and Order of Discussions                                                                                      2 Requests for continued research during closed sessions                                                                                 3. Efficiency of parliamentary administration

Long-term Comprehensive Plan Examination Special Committee (10 people)

Chairman: Shigeru Harashima, Vice-chairman: Machiko Igawa Committee: Manabu Okada, Misako Kajiura, Junjiro Tominaga, Masashi Fujii, Kenichi Kitahama, Aiko Fujiwara, Mihoko Nakamura, Morihisa Okubo

date Examination (investigation) items
June 23, 2009 1 (Tentative name) Regarding the formulation of the 4th Inagi City long-term comprehensive plan and future schedule                                                                         

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)

Chairperson Etsuo Harada Vice-chairman Machiko Igawa Committee members Manabu Okada, Misako Kajiura, Masami Ito, Junjiro Tominaga, Kenichi Kitahama, Aiko Fujiwara, Chikako Ito, Sueko Kadoshima

date Examination (investigation) items
June 10, 2009 1 Mutual election of chairperson
2 Mutual election of vice-chairpersons
June 7, 2009 1 Proposal No. 40 Supplementary budget for the general account of Inagi City, Tokyo, FY2009 (No. 1)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111