Inagi City

2nd regular meeting

Last updated: October 25, 2006

plenary session

 We publish the schedule, statement notice list, and bill deliberation result list for the second city council regular meeting. Please see the meeting minutes for detailed deliberations. Meeting minutes can be viewed at the Central Library, 2nd Library, 3rd Library, 4th Library, and the Social Welfare Council lobby from mid-August onwards.

2002 2nd Inagi City Council Regular Assembly Schedule June 7 to June 26, 2002 (20 days) 
time day of week time meeting name Summary
June 7 Friday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, bill explanations
The 8th Saturday recess    
The 9th Sunday recess    
The 10th Monday recess   (Date of scrutiny of bills)
11th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session Proposals (excluding supplementary budget proposals) questions, referral, voting, supplementary budget proposal questions, supplementary budget special committee establishment, referral, recommendation petition of agriculture committee
After the plenary session Committee Special Committee for Supplementary Budget, etc.
12th Wednesday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5)
The 13th Thursday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10)
After the plenary session Committee Assembly Steering Committee (investigation)
14th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General Questions (Nos. 11 to 14)
15th day Saturday recess    
16th Sunday recess    
17th Monday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
18th Tuesday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
19th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee
The 20th Thursday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
21 days Friday recess   (committee report organization)
The 22nd Saturday recess    
The 23rd Sunday recess    
24th Monday recess   (committee report organization)
25th Tuesday recess   (committee report organization)
26th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Proposals, petition committee reports, explanations of proposals submitted by voters, questions, adoption
Bill submitted by the mayor
No Bill submitted by the mayor Example Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 43 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning public expenditure for election campaigns in the election of Inagi City Council members and Inagi Mayor General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 44 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 45 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance Construction Environment Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 46 The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about the limit of the building in the area of the Inagi city district plan Construction Environment Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 47 2002 Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 48 Seismic construction contract for Inagi City Hall/Conference Hall Building and Fire Department Building General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 49 Former Inagi Municipal Inagi No. 5 Elementary School large-scale renovation work (construction) contract Welfare Education Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
8 Proposal No. 50 Former Inagi Municipal Inagi No. 5 Elementary School large-scale renovation work (machinery) contract Welfare Education Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
9 Proposal No. 51 Inagi Municipal Wakabadai Elementary School extension work (construction) contract Welfare Education Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
10 Proposal No. 52 About purchase of circulation bus vehicle General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
11 Proposal No. 53 Purchase of equipment related to the introduction of individually reinforced porcelain tableware Welfare Education Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
12 Proposal No. 54 Determining the amount of compensation for damages Supplementary Budget Special Committee June 26, 2002 Draft approved
13 Proposal No. 55 About requesting approval of Sendan disposition (Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi city tax ordinance) Prompt decision June 7, 2002 Draft approved
14 Proposal No. 56 Regarding the request for approval of the Sendan disposition (FY2002 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City Geriatric Health Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) Prompt decision June 7, 2002 Draft approved
15 Proposal No. 57 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the issuance of the Inagi City Council political research expenses Prompt decision June 26, 2002 Draft approved
General question
  member name General question item
1 Chikako Ito About publication of paid advertisement to public information media and public property which 1 city issues
2 Establishment of conflict prevention ordinances concerning the installation of industrial waste facilities, etc.
3 Guidance policy for establishing a new cemetery
4 Subsidy measures for housing renovations for the elderly, etc.
5 Promotion of fall prevention projects for the elderly
6 Regarding measures for changes in survey standards related to longitude and latitude
2 Etsuo Harada 1 About providing information to citizens
2 Utilization of cultural assets such as folk tools collected by the city
3 About the land readjustment project around Yanoguchi Station
3 Naoji Ishii 1 Measures for purpose in life for the elderly
2 (Tentative name) Construction of health plaza
4 Hiroshi Sawaki About improvement of 1 administrative services and enhancement of public information public hearing
2 Environmental issues on the Kawasaki Highway
3 About the construction of a new JR station
5 Susumu Kuriyama 1 Income tax exemption for disabled persons certified as requiring long-term care
2 Transfer of metropolitan housing to the city
6 Kouko Yokota 1 Implementation of nursing care support for the elderly with dementia
2 Charges for household garbage
3 Seeking enhanced child-rearing support
7 Toshihiko Sawada 1 Regarding development of a resident-oriented town and development of measures in formulating a city planning master plan
2 Securing citizen employment and protecting the business of small and medium-sized businesses
8 Haruko Tarao 1 About nursing care measures
2 About Hirao's urban development
3 Welfare for persons with disabilities
4 About city buses
9 Harutoshi Kusuhara 1 Regarding the “administrative reform” issue
2 About childcare administration
3 Educational administration
4 Concerning emergency legal issues and responses of local governments
10 Kisaburo Morimoto 1 About community development without steps
2 Cultural festivals and art festivals
3 School lunches for after-school childcare
4 About the 2nd Inagi City Agriculture Basic Plan
11 Aiko Fujiwara 1 About community development where everyone can continue to live in the area with peace of mind
2 Further efforts to create a crime-free and safe community
3 About voting districts and polling stations from the side of voting
12 Sueko Kadoshima 1 About CAP
2 Housing measures for the elderly
3 Regarding telephone service (042) throughout Tama
13 Ken Arai 1 Regarding the issue of subsidies for physical disability examination fees before obtaining a certificate
2 About enhancement of measures for “single-parent families”
3 Issues related to the closed facilities of Takahashi Neurosurgical Hospital
14 Izumi Iwasa 1 Reinforcement of safety measures at school sites
2 About the creation of a system to comprehensively see, think, and understand the whole person at a municipal hospital
3 Attitudes of City Officials in Contact with Citizens
No petition/petition          Example Deliberation method, etc. Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 4 Petition regarding submission of written opinion against emergency legislation General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Rejected
2 Petition No. 5 Petition regarding the submission of written opinions on ensuring safety and preventing exhaust gas in truck transportation Commissioned by the Construction Environment Committee June 26, 2002 Rejected
3 Petition No. 6 A petition asking the government not to enact the three emergency legislation bills General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Rejected
4 Petition No. 7 Petition to request the submission of a statement of opinion opposing the bills related to the emergency legislation General Affairs Committee June 26, 2002 Rejected


General Affairs Committee (7 people)
Chair: Izumi Iwasa, Vice-Chairman, Haruti Kusuhara, Members: Sueko Kadoshima, Isao Kuriyama, Kisaburo Morimoto, Tooru Tsunoda, Chikako Ito

date Deliberation (investigation) matter
January 21, 2002 1 About the loop bus business
2 About the New Town Regional Firefighting Branch Development Project
3 Expansion of CATV viewing area
March 13, 2002 1 Proposal No. 7 Ordinance on Dispatch of Inagi City Officials to Public Interest Corporations
2 Proposal No. 10 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning childcare leave, etc. for general staff of Inagi City
3 Proposal No. 11 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance on salaries for general workers in Inagi City
4 Proposal No. 12 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding special work allowances for general workers in Inagi City
5 Proposal No. 13 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance
6 Proposal No. 17 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Fire Brigade Ordinance
7 Proposal No. 34 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the reappointment of Inagi City officials
8 Regarding payoff support in Inagi City
9 Expansion of CATV viewing area
10 Regarding the addition of items to be investigated in administrative affairs
11 Concerning requests for continued research during closing
12 Regarding the Dispatch of Committee Members during the Closing of the Meeting

General Affairs Committee (7 people)
Chair: Izumi Iwasa, Vice-Chairman, Haruti Kusuhara, Members: Sueko Kadoshima, Isao Kuriyama, Kisaburo Morimoto, Tooru Tsunoda, Chikako Ito

date Deliberation (investigation) matter
April 8, 2002 1 About Inagi city circulation bus service
2 Expansion of CATV viewing area
April 23, 2002 1 Proposals by the Inagi City Information Disclosure and Personal Information Protection System Council
2 Expansion of CATV viewing area
May 23, 2002 1 Expansion of CATV viewing area
2 About wide-area cooperation
June 18, 2002 1 Proposal No. 43 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance concerning the public expenditure of election campaigns in the election of Inagi City Council members and mayor of Inagi City
2 Proposal No. 44 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance
3 Proposal No. 48 Inagi City Hall/Conference Hall Building and Fire Department Building Seismic Construction Contract
4 Proposal No. 52: Purchase of Circular Bus Vehicles
5 Petition No. 4 Petition regarding the submission of a written opinion against the emergency legislation
6 Petition No. 6 A petition asking the government not to legislate the three emergency legislation bills
7 Petition No. 7 A petition requesting the submission of a written opinion opposing the emergency legislation-related bills
8 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Welfare Education Committee (7 people)
Chairman Hiroshi Sawaki Vice-chairman Etsuo Harada Committee members Shotaro Kawahara, Kouko Yokota, Shigeo Tanaka, Haruko Tarao, Susumu Kuriyama

date Deliberation (investigation) matter
May 13, 2002 1 Survey on single-parent (mother-child/father-child) families
2 About Inagi City Health Center Long-Term Care Prevention Base Development Project
3 Implementation status of the long-term care insurance system
4 Measures to reduce long-term care insurance premiums
5 Construction of the Central Library
June 19, 2002 1 Proposal No. 49 Former Inagi City Inagi No. 5 Elementary School large-scale renovation work (construction) contract
2 Proposal No. 50 Former Inagi Municipal Inagi No. 5 Elementary School Large-Scale Renovation Work (Machine) Contract
3 Proposal No. 51 Inagi Municipal Wakabadai Elementary School Extension Work (Construction) Contract
4 Proposal No. 53: Purchasing of equipment related to the introduction of individually reinforced porcelain tableware
5 Construction of the Central Library
6 About Inagi City Health Center Extension and Renovation Work
7 Request for continued review during closing

Built Environment Committee (7 members)
Chairperson: Aiko Fujiwara, Vice-Chairman, Naoji Ishii, Committee Members: Minoru Kawashima, Ken Arai, Yohei Ishii, Suetsugu Ueno, Toshihiko Sawada

date Deliberation (investigation) matter               
May 24, 2002 1 About the development situation of city planning master plan
2 About the progress of the JR Nambu line continuous grade separation project and the Tamagawa bridge
About town development of 3 Kawakitashita district and result of whole briefing session
4 About the formulation status of the Inagi City Environmental Basic Plan
5 About the formulation of the second Inagi City agricultural basic plan
6 (Tentative name) Regarding the formulation of the basic plan for the industrial and volunteer center construction business
7 About the Sakahama-Hirao Land Readjustment Project
8 Conservation and management of green spaces
June 20, 2002 1 Proposal No. 46 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding restrictions on buildings within the area of the Inagi City district plan
2 Proposal No. 45 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City National Health Insurance Tax Ordinance
3 No. 5 petition Petition regarding the submission of written opinions on ensuring safety and preventing exhaust gas in truck transportation
4 Conservation and management of green spaces
5 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Parliamentary Steering Committee (6 people)
Chairman: Isao Kuriyama Vice-chairman: Ken Arai Committee members: Shigeo Tanaka, Hiroshi Sawaki, Izumi Iwasa, Toshihiko Sawada

date Deliberation (investigation) matter               
May 31, 2002 About parliamentary administration such as session of the first regular assembly
June 13, 2002 1 Regarding requests for continued research during closing
June 26, 2002 1 Notification and order of debate
2 About additional proposals
3 Regarding collective voting of petitions
4 About the petition
5 Requests for continued research during closed sessions

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)
Chairman Naoji Ishii Vice-chair Toshihiko Sawada Committee members Etsuo Harada, Tooru Tsunoda, Hiroshi Sawaki, Susumu Kuriyama, Aiko Fujiwara, Ken Arai, Haruko Tarao, Isao Kuriyama

date Deliberation (investigation) matter
June 17, 2002 1 Proposal No. 47 Fiscal 2002 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)

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Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111