Inagi City

3rd regular meeting

Last updated: October 25, 2006

plenary session

 We publish the session schedule of the 3rd City Council regular meeting, the results of deliberation of bills, petitions, petitions, general questions, and committee examination (investigation) matters. Please see the minutes of the meeting for detailed deliberations. Meeting minutes can be viewed at the city library and the administrative information corner on the 1st floor of city hall.

2001 3rd Inagi City Council regular session schedule September 4th to September 25th, 2001 (22 days)
time day of week time meeting name Summary
September 4 Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session Administrative reports, bill explanations
5 days Wednesday recess   (Date of scrutiny of bills)
The 6th Thursday 9:30 am plenary session Proposals (excluding personnel matters), referral proposals (personnel matters) questions, adoption petitions
The 7th Friday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (No. 1 to 5)
The 8th Saturday recess    
The 9th Sunday recess    
The 10th Monday 9:30 am plenary session General questions (Nos. 6 to 10)
After the plenary session Committee Congress Steering Committee (proposals submitted by legislators, surveys)
11th Tuesday 9:30 am plenary session General Questions (Nos. 11 to 16)
12th Wednesday 9:30 am Committee Supplementary Budget Special Committee
The 13th Thursday 9:30 am Committee General Affairs Committee
14th Friday 9:30 am Committee Welfare Education Committee
15th day Saturday recess    
16th Sunday recess    
17th Monday 9:30 am Committee Construction Environment Committee
18th Tuesday recess   (committee report organization)
19th Wednesday recess   (committee report organization)
The 20th Thursday recess   (committee report organization)
21 days Friday 9:30 am Committee Assembly Steering Committee
After the end of the fortune plenary session Explanation of proposals (financial results), Q&A, establishment of a special committee, referral
Committee Accounting Special Committee (Chairman and Vice-chairman elected by each other)
plenary session Proposals, explanations of bills submitted by members, questions, voting
The 22nd Saturday recess    
The 23rd Sunday recess    
24th Monday recess    
25th Tuesday   plenary session Petition committee report, vote
Bill submitted by the mayor
  Bill submitted by the mayor Example Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 42 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance September 21, 2001 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 43 The regulations to revise a part of the regulations about the limit of the building in the area of the Inagi city district plan September 21, 2001 Draft approved
3 Proposal No. 44 2001 Tokyo Inagi City General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2) September 21, 2001 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 45 2001 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) September 21, 2001 Draft approved
5 Proposal No. 46 2001 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1) September 21, 2001 Draft approved
6 Proposal No. 47 Determining the amount of compensation for damages September 21, 2001 Draft approved
7 Proposal No. 48 Appointment of Inagi City Board of Education September 6, 2001 Consent to draft
8 Proposal No. 49 Appointment of Inagi City Board of Education September 6, 2001 Consent to draft
9 Proposal No. 50 About the certification of the fiscal 2000 Tokyo Inagi City general account revenue and expenditure settlement September 21, 2001 Continuous review
10 Proposal No. 51 2000 Tokyo Inagi City National Health Insurance Business Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Certification September 21, 2001 Continuous review
11 Proposal No. 52 2000 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Certification September 21, 2001 Continuous review
12 Proposal No. 53 2000 Tokyo Inagi City Sewerage Business Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Certification September 21, 2001 Continuous review
13 Proposal No. 54 About the certification of Tokyo Metropolitan Government Inagi City Geriatric Health Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement in 2000 September 21, 2001 Continuous review
14 Proposal No. 55 2000 Tokyo Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Authorization September 21, 2001 Continuous review
15 Proposal No. 56 2000 Tokyo Metropolitan Government Inagi City Consignment Waterworks Special Account Revenue and Expenditure Settlement Certification September 21, 2001 Continuous review
16 Proposal No. 57 2000 Tokyo Metropolitan Inagi City Hospital Business Accounting Accreditation September 21, 2001 Continuous review

(Report) No. 5 Report Regarding the report on exclusive measures delegated by the assembly (Report) No. 6 Report Report on the operation status of the Inagi City National Health Insurance High-cost Medical Expenses Loan Fund in Tokyo in 2000 (Report) No. 7 Report Report (Report) No. 8 on the operation status of Inagi City, Tokyo National Pension Stamp Purchase Fund in FY2000 Report No. 9 (Report) on the operation status of Inagi City, Tokyo Land Development Fund in FY2000 Tokyo, FY2000 Report on the operation status of the Miyako Inagi City Long-Term Care Insurance High-cost Nursing Care Service Expenses Loan Fund (Audit Report) No. 9 Report 13 Ina Supervision No. 7 Regarding the results of the monthly balance inspection of May 28, 2001 (Audit Report) No. Report No. 13 13 Rice Inspection No. 9 Regarding the results of the monthly cash inspection on June 28, 2001 (audit report) Report No. 11 13 Rice Inspection No. 10 Results of the monthly cash inspection on July 27, 2001 about

bill submitted by a member of the Diet
  bill submitted by a member of the Diet Example Deliberation method Resolution date Voting result
1 Proposal No. 15 Opinion requesting the continuation and improvement of emergency local employment special grant projects, realization of “urgent employment projects” Prompt decision September 21, 2001 Draft approved
2 Proposal No. 16 Opinion requesting reduction of remuneration of members of the Diet   September 25, 2001 withdraw
3 Proposal No. 17 Resolution to promote good urban area formation in Inagi City Prompt decision September 21, 2001 Draft approved
4 Proposal No. 18 Resolution Condemning the 9/11 Terrorist Acts in the United States Prompt decision September 21, 2001 Draft approved
General question
  member name General question item
1 Chikako Ito 1 About making it possible to receive administrative information sent by mobile phone
2 Measures to further improve the quality of medical care and convenience at municipal hospitals
3 Industrial Volunteer Center Central Library Introduction of the PFI system to the construction and operation of health plazas, etc.
2 Etsuo Harada 1 Traffic Safety Measures for Pedestrians and Bicycles
2 About maintenance of Kamimitani Children's Square
3 About measures against crows
3 Shigeo Tanaka 1 About the administrative evaluation system
2 (Tentative name) About the progress of the Industrial Volunteer Hall
4 Kouko Yokota 1 Regarding the development of a support system for community development with NPOs
About requesting setting of elevator in 2 Inagi Station north exit passages
3 Promotion of Gender Equality Promotion Inagi Plan
5 Kisaburo Morimoto 1 Educational administration
About staffing of 2 Cultural Centers
3 Long-term care insurance
4 About disaster prevention
6 Toshihiko Sawada 1 About the construction plan of public facilities shown in the third long-term comprehensive plan
2 About cooperation with citizens in facility construction
3 Consistency between the Comprehensive Plan to Protect Nature and Conserve Greenery and the Nanzan East Land Readjustment Project
4 Impact on the City and Citizens of the “Structural Reforms” that the Koizumi Cabinet is Pursuing
7 Haruko Tarao 1 About long-term care insurance
2 About childcare issues
3 Concerning the mayor's remarks as a reference person for deliberations on the Land Acquisition Law Amendment Law at the Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism Committee of the House of Councillors
8 Harutoshi Kusuhara 1 Collaboration with Citizens and Citizen Participation
2 About early implementation of 30-student classes
3 Strengthening support measures for employment and SMEs
About improvement of 4 public hall use
9 Sueko Kadoshima 1 About the casualization of staff clothing and name tags
2 About the Senior Passport System
3 Issues facing municipal hospitals
4 About citizen health management
10 Hiroshi Sawaki 1 About city circulation minibus trial service
2 Improving steps on traffic islands such as intersections
3 About employment measures
11 Susumu Kuriyama 1 Municipal Merger
2 About maintenance of Yoshikata Park
3 About setting up a toilet for dogs
12 Suetsugu Ueno 1 Enhancement of pediatric emergency medical care
2 About utilization of each cultural center
13 Shotaro Kawahara 1 About the Inagi City Environmental Basic Plan
14 Aiko Fujiwara 1 Further enhancement of Inagi Municipal Hospital
2 About good town planning in Wakabadai
3 Uptake for hepatitis C
15 Ken Arai 1 Inagi City's approach to employment issues
2 About our town development support project
3 Town development in the aging Hirao district
16 Izumi Iwasa 1 Regarding the creation of academic, cultural, and industrial networks by universities, governments, and companies in the Tama area
No petition/petition Example Deliberation method, etc. Resolution date Voting result
1 Petition No. 4 A petition to establish a hospital in the Hirao district where individual vaccinations are possible Commissioned by the Welfare and Education Committee September 25, 2001 adoption
2 Petition No. 15 Petition to restrict the use of soft vinyl chloride in toys for infants Commissioned by the Construction Environment Committee September 25, 2001 Rejected
3 Petition No. 16 A petition to request a statement of opinion for the improvement and enhancement of the long-term care insurance system Commissioned by the Construction Environment Committee September 25, 2001 Partially adopted
4 Petition No. 17 A petition to submit a written opinion requesting that public housing continue to exist as public housing Commissioned by the Welfare and Education Committee September 25, 2001 Purpose adopted
5 Petition No. 18 In 2003, a petition was filed to request the establishment of a schoolchild club in the post-integration elementary school in the Hirao area. Commissioned by the Welfare and Education Committee September 25, 2001 adoption
6 Petition No. 19 complaints about roads Commissioned by the Construction Environment Committee September 25, 2001 Purpose adopted
7 Petition No. 20 Petition to guarantee high school admission for students in Inagi City Commissioned by the Welfare and Education Committee September 25, 2001 Rejected
8 Petition No. 21 Petition regarding the preservation of green spaces in the eastern part of Nanshan Commissioned by the Construction Environment Committee September 25, 2001 Purpose adopted
    Jurisdiction investigation   September 25, 2001 Ongoing research


General Affairs Committee (7 people)
Chair: Izumi Iwasa, Vice-Chairman, Haruti Kusuhara, Members: Sueko Kadoshima, Isao Kuriyama, Kisaburo Morimoto, Tooru Tsunoda, Chikako Ito

date Examination (investigation) items
July 13, 2001 1 About the loop bus business
2 About administrative reform
3 Municipal mergers and wide-area cooperation
4 About the All Agency Online Financial Accounting System
5 Expansion of CATV viewing area
6 Information disclosure and protection of personal information
7 About the Inagi City Firefighting Basic Plan
September 13, 2001 1 Proposal No. 42 Ordinance to partially revise the Inagi City Municipal Tax Ordinance
2 Regarding the addition of investigation items under jurisdiction
3 Requests for continued research during the opening of the meeting
4 Dispatch of committee members during closing

Welfare Education Committee (7 people)
Chairman: Hiroshi Sawaki, Vice-chairman, Etsuo Harada, Committee members: Shotaro Kawahara, Kouko Yokota, Shigeo Tanaka, Haruko Tarao, Susumu Kuriyama.

date Examination (investigation) items
August 6, 2001 1 About Inagi City Welfare Center Extension Construction
2 Relocation of Group Homes for Mentally Disabled Persons
3 Implementation status of the long-term care insurance system
4 Establishment of Child and Families Support Center
5 Admission work for mentally disabled rehabilitation facilities
September 14, 2001 1 Petition No. 20 A petition to guarantee that students in Inagi city can go on to high school
2 Petition No. 18 Regarding the establishment of after-school children's clubs in the Hirao area in 2003, a petition was sought to establish them within elementary schools after integration.
3 Petition No. 16 A petition seeking written opinions for the improvement and enhancement of the long-term care insurance system
4 Petition No. 4 A petition requesting the establishment of a hospital in the Hirao district where individual vaccinations are possible
5 Addition of items to be investigated in administrative affairs
6 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
7 Dispatch of committee members during closed sessions

Built Environment Committee (7 members)
Chairperson: Aiko Fujiwara, Vice-Chairman, Naoji Ishii, Committee Members: Minoru Kawashima, Ken Arai, Yohei Ishii, Suetsugu Ueno, Toshihiko Sawada

date Examination (investigation) items
July 17, 2001 1 About the Tama New Town Project
2 Locations scheduled for construction in 2001
3 About the Sakahama-Hirao Land Readjustment Project
4 About the 2001 common gift certificate business
5 About the formulation of the second Inagi City agricultural basic plan
6 About garbage reduction recycling business
August 2, 2001 1 About development properties in the city
2 About the Sakahama-Hirao Land Readjustment Project
August 21, 2001 1 Regarding restaurant opening plans in Koyodai
2 About the Sakahama-Hirao Land Readjustment Project
3 About development properties in the city
September 17, 2001 1 Dispatch of committee members
2 Proposal No. 43 Ordinance to partially revise the ordinance regarding restrictions on buildings within the area of the Inagi City District Plan
3 Petition No. 17 A petition to submit a statement of opinion requesting that public housing continue to exist as public housing
4 Petition No. 21 Petition regarding the preservation of green spaces in the eastern part of Nanzan
5 Petition No. 15 A petition seeking restrictions on the use of soft vinyl chloride in toys for infants
6 About development properties in the city
7 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
8 Dispatch of committee members during closing

Parliamentary Steering Committee (6 people)
Chairman: Isao Kuriyama Vice-chairman: Ken Arai Committee members: Shigeo Tanaka, Hiroshi Sawaki, Izumi Iwasa, Toshihiko Sawada

date Examination (investigation) items
August 6, 2001 1 Efficiency of parliamentary administration
August 28, 2001 About parliamentary administration such as session of the first regular assembly
2 About efficient parliamentary administration
September 10, 2001 1 About bills submitted by members of the Diet
2 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
3 Dispatch of committee members during closing
September 21, 2001 1 Notification and order of debate
2 About additional proposals
3 Correction of petition
4 About bills submitted by members of the Diet
5 Requests for continued research during closed sessions
6 Extension of session
7 About recess
September 22, 2001 1 About the next conference
September 25, 2001 1 Withdrawal of bills
2 Closing of the session during the session

Supplementary Budget Special Committee (10 members)
Chairperson Kisaburo Morimoto Vice-chairman Sueko Kadoshima Committee members Kouko Yokota, Shigeo Tanaka, Minoru Kawashima, Izumi Iwasa, Chikako Ito, Yohei Ishii, Suetsugu Ueno, Harutoshi Kusuhara

date Examination (investigation) items
September 12, 2001 1 Proposal No. 44 FY2001 Inagi City, Tokyo General Account Supplementary Budget (No. 2)
2 Proposal No. 47 Regarding setting the amount of compensation for damages
3 Proposal No. 45 FY2001 Tokyo Inagi City Land Readjustment Project Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)
4 Proposal No. 46 FY2001 Tokyo Inagi City Nursing Care Insurance Special Account Supplementary Budget (No. 1)

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Council Secretariat Phone: 042-378-2111