Inagi City

Back number of Inagi City Council Newsletter (No. 172 to No. 226)

Last updated: May 15, 2020

Approved 40 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 1 bill submitted by members

Fiscal Year 2018 Settlement Approved -Total Expenditure 58 Billion Yen-

10 bills submitted by the mayor passed

Decide on the composition of the new parliament.

FY2019 budget approved General account initial budget total 35,694 million yen Supplementary budget 411,589,000 yen (school gymnasium air conditioning construction)

Approved 24 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 1 bill submitted by members

Fiscal Year 2017 Settlement Approved -Total Expenditure 56.9 Billion Yen-

Approved 9 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 3 bills

FY2018 budget approved General account total budget 34.5 billion yen

Approved 17 bills submitted by the mayor, agreed to 1 bill Approved 1 bill submitted by a member of the Diet

Fiscal Year 2016 Settlement Approved -Total Expenditure 59.9 Billion Yen-

The Composition of the New Assembly Has Been Decided -Chairman Kitahama and Vice-Chairman Tsunoji Elected-

FY2017 budget approved Total general account budget: 32.14 billion yen

Approved 18 bills submitted by the mayor Rejected 2 bills submitted by members

Fiscal Year 2015 Settlement Approved -Total Expenditure 59.5 Billion Yen-

Approved 13 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 2 bills submitted by a member of the council

FY 2016 budget passed General account total budget of 34.7 billion yen

Approved 23 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 2 bills submitted by members

Fiscal Year 2014 Settlement Approved -Total Expenditure 60.2 Billion Yen-

Approved 17 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 1 bill submitted by members

Decided on the composition of the new assembly Mr. Shigeru Harashima as chairman and Mr. Morihisa Okubo as vice-chairman

Fiscal 2015 budget passed General account total budget of 33,684 million yen

Approved 20 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 1 agreed 1 bill passed 

Fiscal year 2013 settlement approved Total expenditure 53.4 billion yen

Approved 6 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 1 bill submitted by a member of the council 

FY2014 budget passed General account total budget of 36.248 billion yen

Approved 19 bills submitted by the mayor Approved 2 bills submitted by councilors

Fiscal Year 2012 Settlement Approved - Total Expenditure 56.8 Billion Yen -

The composition of the new parliament has been decided-Chairman Nakayama and Vice-Chairman Sawaki elected-

Fiscal 2013 budget passed Total general account budget of 30.89 billion yen

19 proposals submitted by the mayor were approved, 1 was approved, and 2 were approved.

Approved the fiscal year 2011 financial results Total expenditure: 57.6 billion yen

3 proposals submitted by the mayor were approved, 2 proposals were approved, 2 proposals submitted by members were approved.

Budget for FY2012 was established General account budget total 32.4 billion yen

16 bills submitted by the mayor were approved, 1 bill was approved, and 1 bill submitted by members was approved.

Fiscal year 2010 financial results certified -Total expenditures 51.7 billion yen-

FY2011 General Account Supplementary Budget established -Additional revenue and expenditure budget of 410 million yen-

The composition of the new council has been decided: Mr. Shigeo Tanaka will be the chairman, and Hiroshi Sawaki will be the vice-chairman.

Budget for FY2011 was established General account budget totaled 31 billion yen

18 proposals submitted by the mayor were passed; 2 proposals submitted by members were approved.

The 4th Inagi City Long-term Comprehensive Plan “Basic Concept” was approved.

6 proposals submitted by the mayor were approved; 4 proposals were approved; 1 proposal submitted by members was approved.

FY2010 budget passed - General account budget total 29.6 billion yen -

Reducing end-of-year allowances for special positions, general positions, and councilors - 11 proposals submitted by the mayor, 1 approved, 2 proposals submitted by councilors approved -

Fiscal year 2008 financial results certified - total expenditures 48.2 billion yen -

The composition of the new parliament has been decided. Chairman Kawashima and Vice Chairman Iwasa have been elected.

1st regular meeting in 2009 Budget for 2009 was established General account budget totaled 26.9 billion yen

4th regular meeting in 2008 Certification of fiscal year 2007 financial results Total expenditure 48.2 billion yen

12 proposals submitted by the mayor were approved; 4 personnel matters were agreed upon; 8 settlement matters continued to be reviewed.

2nd regular meeting in 2008: Passed 5 proposals submitted by the mayor, including contract for large-scale renovation of Inagi Daisan Elementary School gymnasium, approved 5 proposals 

1st regular meeting in 2008 The 2008 budget was established. Total general account budget: 26.3 billion yen

4th regular meeting in 2007 1st special meeting in 2008 Approved the fiscal year 2006 financial results Total expenditures: 46.8 billion yen

3rd regular meeting in 2007: 5 proposals submitted by members were passed; 9 proposals submitted by the mayor were approved; 1 approval and 2 consents.

2nd regular meeting in 2007 (tentative name) Approved specific business operator contract for new cultural center development and operation project Scheduled to open in October 2009

2nd extraordinary session of 2007, first session held

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