Seal registration/certification
Can foreigners register their seals?
Can I register any type of seal?
I have lost my registered seal, what should I do?
What should I do if I want to change my registered seal?
I would like to abolish my seal registration, what should I do?
My last name has changed due to marriage, what will happen to my seal registration?
If I moved from outside Inagi City, can I no longer use the seal registration card from my previous address?
If I move from Inagi City, do I have to abolish my seal registration? Also, what should I do with my seal registration card?
I would like to register my seal by applying in person, what should I do? [Application by the person in question]
I would like to register a seal by someone other than myself, what should I do? [Application by agent]
I would like to obtain a seal registration certificate, what should I do?
My seal registration card has been damaged, what should I do?
I have lost my seal registration card, what should I do?
I found my lost seal registration card, what should I do?