Last updated: April 1, 2023
Persons with an employee pension coverage period, first insured period, or third insured period Please bring identification documents (my number card, driver's license, etc.) and basic pension number notification or pension book.
In the case of an agent, a power of attorney and identification documents for the agent (My Number card, driver's license, etc.) are required.
You can check your pension enrollment record, etc. on the Nenkin Net website (external link) of the Japan Memorial Institute .
If you are insured by the National Pension or the Employees' Pension, you can check your pension enrollment record, etc., through the Nenkin Regular Mail, which is sent once a year in your birth month.
This is limited to National Pension and Welfare Pension subscribers, but if you apply through the Nenkin Dial, you will receive a response by mail at a later date.
Nenkin Dial Phone 0570-05-1165 (Navi Dial)
Note: 03-6700-1165 for calls starting with 050
Fuchu Pension Office
Zip Code 183-8505
Address 2-12-2, Fuchu-cho, Fuchu-shi
Telephone 042‐361‐1011
Inagi City Citizens Department Insurance and Pension Division Phone: 042-378-2111