Inagi City

Can I have an infant health checkup at my hometown?

Last updated: December 1, 2020

It is possible to receive health checkups for infants, but procedures are required.
(1) When returning from Inagi City to another municipality You can have a health checkup even at your hometown, but you will need a request form from Inagi City. In addition, the content and timing of health checkups (age in months and ages) will be carried out according to the method of the municipality where the child is returning home. If you wish, please contact Oyako Comprehensive Support Center.
(2) When returning to Inagi City from another municipality It is possible to have an infant health checkup if it is the content and implementation period (month and age) of Inagi City, but a request from a municipality with resident registration A letter is required. Please contact the municipal office where you are registered as a resident.

Inquiries about this page

Inagi City Child Welfare Department Oyako Comprehensive Support Center Phone: 042-378-3434